Mounting network location to Plex Server in docker

  • I am a n00b when it comes to linux/docker, so please go easy on me.

    I have a Pi4 running LE9.2 and was trying to get a plex server going on it as well. Installing the server as a docker image via linuxserver addon was pretty easy. However when I went on to configure the server I realised that the folder containing my media on a NAS is not listed in the add folder option of Plex. I already have the NAS mounted to LE but have no idea how to get it to be visible to the Plex server running in docker.

    With a little bit of googling and manually checking different files on the Pi, I tried modifying the hostconfig.jason in var/lib/docker/container/container-id to add the bind to my folder. I could see existing folder for pictures, video etc. from the host was mounted into the container. I included my folder in the same syntax as them, But when I tried to stop and start the image the whole folder vanished, have no clue what I screwed up.

    I could have tried to mount it via cli using the commands but wasn't sure if it would be persistent though.

    Any help on how I can mount the folder storage/NAS successfully into the Plex server will be appreciated. Also is there a way I can directly mount the NAS path rather than the mount of the NAS on the host system to the docker?

    NAS is currently mounted in LE as : // on /storage/NAS type cifs

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  • To your Plex installation command you have to insert two lines: -v /storage:/storage and -v /media:/media so that the Plex container has access to your storage space, that is:

    -v /storage:/storage \
    -v /media:/media \
  • Thanks for the reply elonesna. I am afraid this is where my n00b part comes in. All I have gathered from my searching is how to start/stop a container and how to inspect it. I have no clue how to install it or what additional params I need to pass while installing it.

    As I mentioned earlier I installed it via addon. Any pointers on how I can do this manually or where in the linuserver addon would these commands be available?

  • You set the paths in the addon settings. Keep in mind that the remote paths should already be mounted and you use the local mount point.

    If you want to add multiple paths, you can add additional docker parameters in the addon settings as well

  • Sorry I don't know the addon you mention. Here is some additional information about how to install the linuxserver/plex container on the command line vía SSH.

    Thanks for the link. I was able to get my local mount successfully added to plex and confirmed that it is retained after a restart.

    You set the paths in the addon settings. Keep in mind that the remote paths should already be mounted and you use the local mount point.

    I did try it first from the web ui. If I understood it correctly, only folders within the plex container were available to be added as library along with the default host folders for movie, tv and pictures. As I mentioned in my original post, the NAS is already mounted under /storag/NAS, however this was not visible.

    I was able to get the mount point added with a new install of plex using the cli commands for the link provided by elonesna.

    Edited once, last by nokia3660: Merged a post created by nokia3660 into this post. (December 31, 2022 at 5:34 AM).

  • You set the paths in the addon settings. Keep in mind that the remote paths should already be mounted and you use the local mount point.

    If you want to add multiple paths, you can add additional docker parameters in the addon settings as well

    would that be the same as in Swagger?
    <setting id="E_additional" default="true" />

    from swag: add support for additional args by aptalca · Pull Request #92 · linuxserver/libreelec-addon-repo (

    but I cannot find anything like this in libreelec-addon-repo/docker.linuxserver.portainer at master · linuxserver/libreelec-addon-repo (