Lirc - ARM - Upgrade to 0.10.2 Results in Delayed issueing of commands

  • Using the nightlies on an Arm - Odroid C2, there is an issue for my remote following the upgrade to Lirc 0.10.2.

    In short, Lirc 0.10.2 does not issue commands on each keypress. Instead, the key presses appear to be queued, with the queue being translated to commands on every 2nd key press. For example:

    1. Press down button - No effect on Kodi
    2. Press right button - Kodi responds with a down action (and navigation sound) followed by a right action (and navigation sound).

    In terms of the nightlies:

    Between those two builds is Pull lirc: update to 0.10.2 #6966

    The Kodi debug log does not help since it only records when it receives the commands from Lirc, which is after the issue.

  • Some IR RC's are sending two different scancode numbers when you press the same key (check it with the ir-keytable -t command ).

    This must be reflected in the key mapping file (to include both scancode numbers for the same action) otherwise you experience the described 2nd key press... So I would expect your keymapping file does not fully match your RC model and needs to be updated.

  • I'm using an IR remote that is using the Hauppauge codes (PVR-250). Both a Hauppauge remote as well as a Harmony universal programmed as Hauppauge. The IR receiver being the built-in Odroid C2 one, so meson-ir.

    The lirc.conf for the remote is the borg standard Hauppauge from the lirc website.

    ir-keytable -t shows only one scan code per key. I also note that it immediately responds for each keypress, there is no waiting for the second keypress.

  • OK, I have a different HW so also the drivers may be different. I have no lirc.conf file. But I would check with the irw utility if your scancodes are mapped properly to commands. And if not, check the /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg file and the mapping file which is the rc_maps.cfg pointing to.

    If you don't have these files on your filesystem, then /shrug .

  • I have gotten it working. Hopefully the following would provide assistance to anyone else encountering the problem.

    I was setup using the main lirc configuration file, Lircd.conf. As a test, I switched to using the distributed toml keymap file (see /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/*). To do so, remove the lircd.conf and create a file ~/.config/.rc_maps.cfg containing:

    * * hauppauge.toml

    So follow these instructions instead of the Lirc documentation.