Backup didn't store where I specified, now my SD card is full

  • I specified a backup storage location OFF my sdcard, in one of my attached drives. Near as I can figure since there's nothing in the directory I specified I assume that there's a partial backup on the sdcard that is taking up 3gb or so that was left. No idea where it is. I looked in storage/backup but its not there.

    Id upload a logfile using the handy dandy logfile uploader addon but apparently you can't do that with a full sdcard.


  • I got it right, you're searching for a ~vanished~ backup made with the buildin backup tool ?

    if you haven't changed it (if doable at all) backup's usually contain a date-time-string in it's name.

    A full name is "20220819222924.tar" and this one was made at date 19.08.2022 and time 22:29:24

    after ssh'ed into the box the command

    find /storage -name '*20220819*'

    will search under "/storage" (other location would be "/var/media" where external disks are usually mounted OR "/" to search the whole disk including mounted disk)


    will find all files containing "20220819" in it's name, if existing


    find /storage -name '*.tar'

    will find all files under "/storage" ending on ".tar"

    you know when you made the ~vanished~ backup, so please adjust the date or use the alternative find command ?

    you're able to ssh into the box ?

    more to read/learn ? :

    find(1) - Linux manual page

  • you could search for the name, in this case the date-time string.

    or for size (see the man page)

    find / -size +2G | more

    searches under "/" for files greater then 2G and will maybe output a long list.

    the command stops each page, cause of "| more";

    further/next page with the space key

  • arrrggghhh, my fault.

    LE runs another find command with lesser options than the standard linux one !

    F**k !

    on the LE box you'll see the option with: find --help


    find / -size +1048576k | more

    will find all files greater than 1GB ...

  • Because I'm an idiot and because there have been numerous upgrades since the initial post I thought I would try again. Same thing happens. Why does the backup not store where I tell it to? How much space needs to be free on the SD card for this process to work???????

  • Backup is stored in /storage/backup. As soon as the backup is complete go to File Manager and move the backup file to any of your attached storage devices. You only have to move it back to /storage/backup once you need to restore it. A real backup is one that’s NOT stored on your working SD card for obvious reasons

  • Backup is stored in /storage/backup. As soon as the backup is complete go to File Manager and move the backup file to any of your attached storage devices. You only have to move it back to /storage/backup once you need to restore it. A real backup is one that’s NOT stored on your working SD card for obvious reasons

    Only it isnt.

    I got a new problem anyways my raspi is refusing to let me ssh into it, says no route to host even though i have the correct ip. I can access all the drives connected to it though.

  • Only it isnt.

    I got a new problem anyways my raspi is refusing to let me ssh into it, says no route to host even though i have the correct ip. I can access all the drives connected to it though.

    Assume you checked all the obvious. Are you using DHCP or static ip addressing. Are you using the correct user name and password in SSH and is SSH actually enabled in LE. Did you change the SSH password at any stage. What remote terminal/utility are you using to SSH into the LE RPI. Are the handshake protocols between the two correct.

  • Unlikely that I checked all the obvious. I don't know what all i'm supposed to be checking for.

    I gave you a list of things to check

    1) Assume you checked all the obvious. Are you using DHCP or static ip addressing.

    2) Are you using the correct user name and password in SSH and is SSH actually enabled in LE.

    3) Did you change the SSH password at any stage.

    4) What remote terminal/utility are you using to SSH into the LE RPI. Are the handshake protocols between the two correct