Ive broken something / need a new NUC

  • Hi all

    Ive be lurking round these parts for some time now, but thought ive finally get registered.


    Librelec keeps freezing after 20 to 30 mins of playback. Which cheap nuc is the one to have?

    long version:

    Ive been using librelec for years now, and its been pretty flawless. I use the DN2820 nuc.

    Occasionally i get an issue where i click play on something, the screen goes blank rather than play the video, but pressing stop then play again usually fixes it. It hasnt been an issue enough for me to fix it.

    Well recently, ive done something to break it. Now the video will play for 30 mins or so, then just freeze. I need to reboot the nuc. All was fine until i set up a vpn and install cumination (dont judge me lol) and its been doing this since. Ive uninstalled the vpn thing, and it still persists. Ill try uninstalling cumination and see if that helps.

    Ive been thinking about getting a second system anyway, so i might get a new NUC and set that up, then try and reinstall the software. This is not a 5 minute job, particularly if i have to set up all the sources again and scan everything to the library. I have loads of media, so it takes hours and hours. Im hoping i can transfer the library some how.

    I can pickup a used DN2820 nuc for very little cash. Or a NUC5CPYH for not much more. The optical output would be useful for the second system actually.

    Is there any advantage of one over the other? Or i could go for an i3 or i5 variant, if there is any real advantage?

    Im still running a 1080p plasma, and i cant see me going 4k any time soon, but then the tv could break tomorrow, now ive tempted fate.


  • You should just be able to do a backup in LE, save the backup to another location, reinstall and then restore your backup. This has worked for me to transfer.

    Alternatively, you can manually transfer your library by saving the db files.

    The LE backup/restore process is fairly painless. I should point out, I have never tried to use it with different LE versions.

  • Code
    systemctl stop kodi
    mv /storage/.kodi /storage/.kodi-old
    systemctl start kodi

    ^ that will give you a clean instance of Kodi to work with. If you have important content (thumbs/libraray/etc.) you can stop/move/start Kodi to restore individual items to the active instance. Pirate add-ons are frequent causes of problems, but that's self-inflicted punishment. In this forum you *will* be judged; by being politely asked to go look for support somewhere else if you have them installed.

  • Thanks guys.

    I havent really used plugins before now, all my media is stored locally. So i suspect that is what broke it.

    Maybe ill try the backup and restore thing, it seems pretty straight forward.

    I can always save the db files and sources.xml which should save me some work.

  • thanks

    Reinstalled the same version and copied all the userdata information back.

    All seems well again, will continue testing.

    It seems a bit glitchy, although im watching 1080p h265, and i usually use h264, so it might be time to upgrade the hardware.

    I am getting a "remote communication server failed to start" message, which ive not seen before. Though it all seems to work ok. Any ideas?


    Edited once, last by Champ222 (July 26, 2022 at 8:47 AM).