11.0: Installation of nightly updates

  • A couple aof weeks ago I have prepared a SD-card with V 11 ( Raspi 4B) for testing purpose. I have updated it regularly via the the normal way (System Settings --> Libreelec --> Updates --> manually from "test.libreelec.tv". That has worked until end of May. Since this time the windows does not appear any version to install. All other ways as described in the wiki do not work :

    - SAMBA Share - enabled, but not share appears for my Windows-PCs ( is of course enabled with defaults)

    - ssh - access denied in general without the option to provide user / pwd

    - USB - hidden files / directories enabled, but not change in the view in file manager

    How can I update with a new installation?

  • to make it easier..I just want to know, where are the nightly updates for V11 now located? What path I have to set in the update-section? Of course I want to use the standard procedure for update as it has worked until end of May..

  • With due respect, from my POV it seems, that's not the autoupdate is broken, in fact the *.tar-files (updates) are missing or have been moved to another location. The files in the Sub-Dirs are complete installation-files, which doe not work with the auto-update. Therefore you have just to share the new location of the tar-files to "fix" the auto-update

  • There are multiple issues with the current 'update' functionality, and rearranging of files on the test server is not the most important bit that we need to resolve. Once the other pieces are done, easier updates for nightlies will be possible. There is no timeline - people have lives and families and things will be done as/when developers have time. Until then folks can update manually using .img.gz files (not .tar files) which has been supported since 2015.

  • thanks ghtester for promotion :thumbup:

    I would wait for script version V0.09, cause in V0.08 is still a bug regarding the mismatch what is an update/downgrade.

    esp. when 2 nightlies hit the download server on the same day e.g. at 5:00 and 23:00

    currently the script doesn't handle release hours !

    apart of that the script does what it should

    V0.09 is still under investigation/testing/development, maybe tonight...

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (July 1, 2022 at 3:10 PM).