Squid container for Docker in LE 10 and RPi 4

  • Keen to know who is running Squid in a Docker container on their Pi 4 via LE 10 and, if so, which particular flavour / release from which repository.

    So far, all the trusted container images I've found are based on Ubuntu or similar Linux for arm64, so I can't use them.


    Edited 3 times, last by sunny (May 24, 2022 at 3:20 AM).

  • Docker containers contain their own OS and environment and dependencies and all inside the container. It doesn't need to match the host OS. Kernel is the main thing shared between the container and the host.

  • Docker containers contain their own OS and environment and dependencies and all inside the container. It doesn't need to match the host OS. Kernel is the main thing shared between the container and the host.

    Umm, but that doesn't answer the question I asked, it's just a statement about the nature of Docker containers.... which I already know.

    If you personally are running Squid as a container in Docker in LE 10 on a Pi4, then please advise which image you personally are using.

    If you want to find a squid docker container that works on ARM devices try this link https://hub.docker.com/search?q=squid…rchitecture=arm

    Are you personally using any of those particular container images on your Docker on your Pi4, as per my question, or are you just giving me a link to all Arm based Squid images in Docker hub, which I already know about? Also, none of those images comes from what I consider to be a trusted or verified source, hence why I don't want to use them.

    Edited 2 times, last by sunny: Merged a post created by sunny into this post. (May 25, 2022 at 5:43 AM).

  • I don't know what you are looking for:

    1.- I don't use RPi, I use x86_64

    2.- b4tman/squid for ARM seems popular and reliable to me, just look at the dockerfile on github, it does not have any type of deception:

    FROM alpine:3.15.4 as build


    RUN set -x && \

    apk add --no-cache \

    gcc \

    g++ \

    libc-dev \

    curl \

    gnupg \

    libressl-dev \

    perl-dev \

    autoconf \

    automake \

    make \

    pkgconfig \

    heimdal-dev \

    libtool \

    libcap-dev \


    RUN set -x && \

    mkdir -p /tmp/build && \

    cd /tmp/build && \

    curl -SsL http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v${SQUID_VER%%.*}/squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz -o squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz && \

    curl -SsL http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v${SQUID_VER%%.*}/squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz.asc -o squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz.asc

    COPY squid-keys.asc /tmp

    RUN set -x && \

    cd /tmp/build && \

    export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" && \

    gpg --import /tmp/squid-keys.asc && \

    gpg --batch --verify squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz.asc squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz && \

    rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME"

    RUN set -x && \

    cd /tmp/build && \

    tar --strip 1 -xzf squid-${SQUID_VER}.tar.gz && \


    CFLAGS="-g0 -O2" \

    CXXFLAGS="-g0 -O2" \

    LDFLAGS="-s" \


    ./configure \

    --build="$(uname -m)" \

    --host="$(uname -m)" \

    --prefix=/usr \

    --datadir=/usr/share/squid \

    --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \

    --libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid \

    --localstatedir=/var \

    --with-logdir=/var/log/squid \

    --disable-strict-error-checking \

    --disable-arch-native \

    --enable-removal-policies="lru,heap" \

    --enable-auth-digest \

    --enable-auth-basic="getpwnam,NCSA,DB" \

    --enable-basic-auth-helpers="DB" \

    --enable-epoll \

    --enable-external-acl-helpers="file_userip,unix_group,wbinfo_group" \

    --enable-auth-ntlm="fake" \

    --enable-auth-negotiate="kerberos,wrapper" \

    --enable-silent-rules \

    --disable-mit \

    --enable-heimdal \

    --enable-delay-pools \

    --enable-arp-acl \

    --enable-openssl \

    --enable-ssl-crtd \

    --enable-security-cert-generators="file" \

    --enable-ident-lookups \

    --enable-useragent-log \

    --enable-cache-digests \

    --enable-referer-log \

    --enable-async-io \

    --enable-truncate \

    --enable-arp-acl \

    --enable-htcp \

    --enable-carp \

    --enable-epoll \

    --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for \

    --enable-storeio="diskd rock" \

    --enable-ipv6 \

    --enable-translation \

    --disable-snmp \

    --disable-dependency-tracking \

    --with-large-files \

    --with-default-user=squid \

    --with-openssl \


    # fix build

    RUN set -x && \

    mkdir -p /tmp/build/tools/squidclient/tests && \

    mkdir -p /tmp/build/tools/tests

    RUN set -x && \

    cd /tmp/build && \

    nproc=$(n=$(nproc) ; max_n=6 ; [ $n -le $max_n ] && echo $n echo $max_n) && \

    make -j $nproc && \

    make install && \

    cd tools/squidclient && make && make install-strip

    RUN sed -i '1s;^;include /etc/squid/conf.d/*.conf\n;' /etc/squid/squid.conf

    RUN echo 'include /etc/squid/conf.d.tail/*.conf' >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

    FROM alpine:3.15.4

    ENV SQUID_CONFIG_FILE /etc/squid/squid.conf

    ENV TZ Europe/Moscow

    RUN set -x && \

    deluser squid 2>/dev/null; delgroup squid 2>/dev/null; \

    addgroup -S squid -g 3128 && adduser -S -u 3128 -G squid -g squid -H -D -s /bin/false -h /var/cache/squid squid

    RUN apk add --no-cache \

    libstdc++ \

    heimdal-libs \

    libcap \

    libressl3.4-libcrypto \

    libressl3.4-libssl \


    COPY --from=build /etc/squid/ /etc/squid/

    COPY --from=build /usr/lib/squid/ /usr/lib/squid/

    COPY --from=build /usr/share/squid/ /usr/share/squid/

    COPY --from=build /usr/sbin/squid /usr/sbin/squid

    COPY --from=build /usr/bin/squidclient /usr/bin/squidclient

    RUN install -d -o squid -g squid \

    /var/cache/squid \

    /var/log/squid \

    /var/run/squid && \

    chmod +x /usr/lib/squid/*

    RUN install -d -m 755 -o squid -g squid \

    /etc/squid/conf.d \


    RUN touch /etc/squid/conf.d/placeholder.conf

    COPY squid-log.conf /etc/squid/conf.d.tail/

    RUN set -x && \

    apk add --no-cache --virtual .tz alpine-conf tzdata && \

    /sbin/setup-timezone -z $TZ && \

    apk del .tz

    VOLUME ["/var/cache/squid"]

    EXPOSE 3128/tcp

    USER squid

    CMD ["sh", "-c", "/usr/sbin/squid -f ${SQUID_CONFIG_FILE} --foreground -z && exec /usr/sbin/squid -f ${SQUID_CONFIG_FILE} --foreground -YCd 1"]

  • b4tman/squid for ARM seems popular and reliable to me, just look at the dockerfile on github, it does not have any type of deception:

    Reading through the docker build files was something I was hoping to avoid, as I don't know what quite a few of the included packages and libraries are for without doing further research to assure myself they're trustworthy. I also want to find if others have used specific pre-built containers and found any discernable performance differences.

    Maybe I'm just try to cheat too much and should do more of the investigation work myself?