[Tip] Docker user? Consider disabling Docker-proxy

  • I have some docker containers interacting with each other. Saw often 'docker-proxy' using a lot of CPU. After disabling, not only the process is gone, also other processes are more smooth. including kodi.bin!

    Curious about others experience. Mileage may vary.

    Edit this file:


    and add '--userland-proxy=false'.

    DOCKER_DAEMON_OPTS="--data-root=/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.system.docker/docker --userland-proxy=false"
    DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS="--storage-driver=overlay2 --storage-opt overlay2.override_kernel_check=1"
  • Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I've had 18 docker services running for a long time on LE 9.2.6-x86_64 as a 24/7 server, and I never (*) had the problem you describe. Check your containers.

    (*) Only once, I installed a container that was abusing disk storage space that was not freed up, but it was a very old container that I replaced with a newer one. The problem was immediately fixed by the cleanup and removal mechanism of the LE 'docker' addon. To see this I look at the size of the automatic backups that run every three days. I also occasionally use the 'cputemp', 'gputemp' and 'sensors' commands to check that the temperature stays below 45 degrees.

  • Cheers! Thanks for your insights. Do note, I'm not arguing that this is a fix for all. I'm saying that in my particular case, I was observing high CPU use from docker-proxy. Disabling it in userland allows iptables to take over which in my case led to better load stats.