Channel for bugfix-updates to stable version?

  • On Windows there is a (they called it) nightlies channel for Kodi, which contains not development versions but bugfix updates to the current stable version. It specifically states that these are stable versions containing only bug fixes, and while it does not explicitly state that they should be preferred over the stable channel the inference is inescapable.

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the same on LibreELEC? That is, a channel where the core system (LE) is at the same state as the currently stable LE branch, but the Kodi shell is updated to the state of the currently stable bugfix update.

    Edited once, last by DiMag: There exists now a directory named /hotdog (!) which contains up-to-date 19.4 nightlies. (They are called nightlies, but so are they called in windows as weel. In reality they are updated bugfix releases.) (May 18, 2022 at 1:51 PM).

  • There are active conversations about how to add new/more build servers and rework our use of Jenkins or move to a GitHub actions based workflow. The main goal is to substantially increase build capacity so we can build more stuff more frequently; our master branch nightlies are not nightly at the moment, and (as you commented) there is no coverage of the release branch. The secondary goal is to keep built images for a much longer period of time to help with regression tracing.