libreelec installation on sd and usb

  • Hello. I recently went from OpenELEC to Libreelec, use as a device ODROID C2, first with OpenELEC was heading the system of sd card and then the rest, configuration and library had about usb them through the system described on OpenELEC forum. This allowed me in case of problems with the sd card to get my parameters and listed safe now I can not do it on Libreelec probably works differently. Do you know if someone has already done this procedure with Libreelec? Do you have a tutorial somewhere? Thank you.

  • Scusa ma non parlo bene l'inglese, allora la procedura usata per openelec è la seguente in questo link OpenELEC Mediacenter - OpenELEC Forum - Raspberry Pi USB boot/storage - THE RIGHT WAY! (1/5).
    La procedura è per il Rasperry pi ma funziona anche con altre schede, io attualmente uso un odroid c2.
    Ho provato ache con Libreelec ma non funziona, volevo chiedere se qualcuno era riuscito a far partire il sistema su sd e poi avere le varie configurazioni e la libreria su usb.Grazie.

  • Sorry but I do not speak English well, then the procedure used to OpenELEC is as follows in this 124-raspberry-p...-right-way link.
    The procedure is for the most Rasperry but also works with other cards, I currently use a ODROID c2.
    I tried ache with Libreelec but does not work, I wanted to ask if anyone had been able to start the system on sd and then having the different configurations and the library of usb ..

  • Buy an emmc module, it's much faster then SD card or usb stick.

    It surely is, if reading wrxtasys reports and from some other users, but on the other hand a fast UHS-I MicroSD Card with 32GB like a Samsung EVO+ is round about 10€ and they are pretty fast as well. Apart from boot times most won't notice the difference I guess. Even the 16GB eMMC is about 45€+Shipping usually. That does not suit for everybody :)

    And as far as I understood OP, he is not concerned about speed, it is more like he wants to have the library on a seperate datastorage for perhaps switching the boot-disk without having to backup and restore everytime. But may be I'm wrong about the motivation.

    Edited once, last by infinity85 (November 22, 2016 at 12:32 PM).

  • Hello, thanks for the answer, I'll try what you have written me over, do it this way to avoid writing too much on the sd card and then use it to boot read, consider the sd card very delicate and will ruin over time, I consider the usb stick much more solid and secure.

  • Hello, thanks for the answer, I'll try what you have written me over, do it this way to avoid writing too much on the sd card and then use it to boot read, consider the sd card very delicate and will ruin over time, I consider the usb stick much more solid and secure.

    I think you are referring to chewitt, not to me ;). I didn't suggest anything ;)

  • SD cards and USB sticks are equally crap and unreliable IMHO. I would keep things simple and run from SD card, but spend time organising a nightly (or weekly minimum) backup so that when (not if, when) things go wrong it's not a major inconvenience. If you want something faster to boot and scroll around in menu's with (and more reliable) spend $$ and get the eMMC card.