Can't run 'find' command

  • Hi,

    on Linux i can run a command using the files that are found with 'find' as input with that command line

    find /input/path -type f -name "*.mkv" -exec echo  {} \;

    where is {} the file name.

    Thats doesn't work on LibreELEC. Here i have this error

    find: echo: No such file or directory
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  • you are not using gnu find or regular shell and you do not have coreutils installed. your echo comes from busybox shell and is not available as executable.

    Technically 'find /input/path -type f -name "*.mkv" -exec echo {} \;' is the same as 'find /input/path -type f -name "*.mkv"'

  • How can i fix that? How can i run echo in the same way as on every other linux?

    Change your command practices and stop using useless "-exec echo {} \;" argument in find. That's default find output and it does not need -exec echo.

    I won't argue about busybox find not supporting -ls, cause I understand that not all environments are equal and I accept it.