Looking for some help with CEC + ARC

  • I have a Pi4 with LibreELEC 10.0.1 and a soundbar connected to my TV through HDMI.

    I am able to control the audio of my soundbar.

    The TV and soundbar starts when Kodi is starting.

    The TV and soundbar powers off when Kodi goes to screensaver.

    The issue is that only the soundbar is powered on when I wake kodi from screensaver, I have to start the TV manually

    If i connect the soundbar with an optical cable instead of HDMI ARC to the TV, Kodi is able to turn the TV on and off without any issues.

    If I turn off the option "Force AVR to wake up...", nothing starts when the screensaver is deactivated.

    The goal is for Kodi to turn the TV off when activating the screensaver and turn the TV on when deactivating the screensaver which only seems to work if the soundbar is not connected with HDMI ARC.

    I have been searching for a solution for several days, any suggestions?

    Edited once, last by Chequalc (January 19, 2022 at 1:07 PM).

  • Try disabling "wake devices when disabling Screen saver option" and "put devices in standby mode when activiting the screensaver" and see if that combination helps resolve your particular issue.


    oh and also disable "Devices to put into standby mode"

  • Try disabling "wake devices when disabling Screen saver option" and "put devices in standby mode when activiting the screensaver" and see if that combination helps resolve your particular issue.


    oh and also disable "Devices to put into standby mode"

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    This unfortunately did not work.

    My goal is for the TV to power off when Kodi screensaver is activated and power on when Kodi screensaver is deactivated.

  • Sorry, I didn't understand how you connect Pi4, Soundbar and TV

    Is it:

    a) Pi4 -> HDMI -> Soundbar -> HDMI -> TV


    b) Pi4 -> HDMI -> TV <- HDMI <- Soundbar ?

    If it's "a" than

    1. Question:

    In your second Screenshot "Connected to HDMI device" is set to "TV"

    Can you change it to something different like "Soundbar" ?

    Because your the Pi4 is not connected to a TV but to a Soundbar.

    2. Maybe the Problem lies not within LibreElec and the Pi4 but in the Soundbar which will not send a "Turn on" Signal over the HDMI-Cable to the TV when you disable the Screensaver of the Pi4.

    This would be an Explanation why it's working when you connect your TV directly to the Raspberry.

    Maybe this seems stupid, but

    1. Did you put the HDMI -Cables into the right ports ?

    Form the ARC/eARC HDMI-Port of the TV to the ARC/eARC HDMI-Port of the Soundbar.

    And from the HDMI-Port near the USB Power-Connector of your Pi 4 (HDMI 0) to a HDMI-Port of the Soundbar.

    2. Did you check the CEC-Settings of your Soundbar and your TV ?

    Maybe there are some CEC-Functions that must still be enabled ?

    3. Maybe you can try different HDMI-Cables.

  • Thanks for you help. It's B

    I have tried all of that.

    I managed to find a hacky solution

    On LE9.2.2, I was able to boot the TV using this command. It would sadly kill the CEC connection to the TV. (This does not work on LE10.0.1)

    echo "on 0" | cec-ctl -s

    This command does the trick without killing the CEC connection! Found it here

    Turn off: cec-ctl --standby -t0  
    Turn on: cec-ctl --user-control-pressed ui-cmd=power-on-function -t0
  • Thanks for the suggestions.

    This unfortunately did not work.

    My goal is for the TV to power off when Kodi screensaver is activated and power on when Kodi screensaver is deactivated.

    OK had not picked up on that requirement when I responded, focusing in on correct interaction between devices regardless of screensaver "suspended" state or not of Kodi libreELEC device. :blush: (CEC being a fickle beast to get perfect between combinations of older/newer HDMI connected devices)

    But maybe its an alternative compromise for your current layout/setup that may allow soundbar and tv to correctly maintain control and interact with LibreELEC when TV is being switched on/off, where I had also assumed you may wish to use TV CEC remote for interactive control of all three devices. (Rpi4 LibreELEC always powered up and running in background)

    When LibreELEC is in screensaver mode are you highly concerned about need for TV to switch off as usually these are shorter periods when we are distracted away from watching TV, intending to return; rather than forgotten, to switch TV and soundbar OFF via TV remote.

    (Well in my typical usage case)

    My thoughts, are due to fact that most of the time I personally use TV remote as main daily remote for control and operation of TV, AVR and LibreELEC. (When switched to rpi4 LibreELEC as my active HDMI playback device)