Is it possible to export LibreElec-Setting to an USB-Stick ?

  • Question:

    Is there a simple way to export the settings of 10.0.1 directly to an USB-Stick and then import it back to a new Installation ?

    In Detail:

    I'm running 10.0.1 from an USB-Stick on my PC.

    Now I want to put a SSD inside my Computer an run in from there.

    So I want to export only the LibreElec-Settings from the USB-Stick Version directly to another USB-Stick,

    remove the LibreElec USB-Stick,

    install the SSD into the PC,

    make a fresh Install of LibreElec 10.0.1 on the SSD

    and then import the saved Settings from the USB-Stick into the LibreElec 10.0.1 Version installed on the SSD.

    Nothing will change except the Fact that LibreElec now will run on the same Computer from a SSD and not from an USB-Stick

    Edited once, last by Niceguy (January 8, 2022 at 4:13 PM).

  • I guess it should go like this:

    - create a backup [1] with LE config tool/addon on the stick

    - pull off the stick

    - install the ssd and on it LE

    - plug in the stick

    and now either

    - point in the LE config tool/addon the "backup restore" to the stick (should be /var/media/<something need to filled in>/....)


    - copy the backup from the stick to the backup folder on the ssd (~/backup) and restore with LE config tool

    - reboot (to activate the restored settings/services)

    - check your setting

    - create a new backup (now on the ssd)

    The "I'm unsure -"part :

    - are there special folders for pics/movies/... ?

    I guess they should backup by hand (addon "system tools" => MC maybe via ssh'ed in OR with internal filebrowser)

    if you're running with special kernel boot parameter, e.g. i915 FW: needs adjustment by hand, caused ironed by the installer


    backup contains:

    - ~/.cache with all it's content/settings

    - ~/.config with all it's content/settings

    - ~/.kodi with all it's content/settings (and I guess the setting for pic/movie libraries too, but not the pics/movies files itself)


    - if it's a used ssd you should think about secure erase the ssd *before* installing LE (usually with vendor tools)

    - if the usb stick is free now you should think about "long format" it under windows

    both to get them back to (nearly) initial speed

    - run "fstrim -va" via ssh for your ssd from time to time (weekly/monthly)

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (January 8, 2022 at 5:26 PM).

  • I guess it should go like this:

    - create a backup [1] with LE config tool/addon on the stick

    - pull off the stick

    - install the ssd and on it LE

    - plug in the stick

    Thanks for your Answer,

    but how do I "create a backup [1] with LE config tool/addon on the stick" ?

    Which Addon do I need ?

    I found a simple Solution:

    In the System (Settings)-Menu I go to

    LibreElec -> System -> Backup -> Create System and Kodi Backup and create a Backup-File

    This Backup is a *.Tar File, which is saved in the "Backup"-Folder

    Then I go to my Windows-PC, open the Windows-Explorer, select "Network" and it shows me my LibreElec-Installation.

    I go to the Backup-Folder and copy the Backup *.Tar-File onto my USB-Stick.

    Later, after I had installed the new Version on the SSD I simply copy the File back from the USB-Stick to the "Backup"-Folder, using the Windows-Explorer again.

    There is also a Solution where you use the LibreElec File manager, so you don't need another PC, just look here:

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    And to the Recalbox-Developers:

    For me, a "Backup" is a way to restore my System when it had been crashed.

    A "Backup" is stored in a save Place (and not on the same Drive of the System you want to Backup) until you need it to restore your System.

    So how can I restore the system (Settings), when my HDD, SDD or USB-Stick is damaged, I don't have access to it (and my Backup) anymore and must make a fresh Install ?

    I find it stupid to make a "Backup" on the same Drive my System is on.

    When I use

    LibreElec -> System -> Backup -> Create System and Kodi Backup

    why is the Backup-File only going to the "Backup"-Folder, and why can 't I decide where I want to put my Backup (for example maybe an USB-Stick) so that I can keep it at a save place ?

  • When I use

    LibreElec -> System -> Backup -> Create System and Kodi Backup

    why is the Backup-File only going to the "Backup"-Folder, and why can 't I decide where I want to put my Backup (for example maybe an USB-Stick) so that I can keep it at a save place ?

    couldn't you ?! :angel:

  • I didn't give me some choice

    what happens if you tap/click/select and hit enter the two white points in the backup tool window ? [1]

    hint: two points in linux means the upper directory


    as you said you're running LE from an usb stick, where is the need to move the backup file (at this point) ?

    isn't the backup directory not already on the same usb stick too ?

    or better:

    the backup directory is one entry of the directory structure of a running LE and in this case: on the usb stick

    so, aren't you already done with creating the backup in it's default backup directory (which *is* already on the usb stick) and pulling the stick after you powered the box down ?


    there seems to be a bug regarding the cancel-button in that window: a backup is in any case created

    at least here on (yesterdays) nightly