IPv6 no default route

  • Hi,

    I have a working IPv6 network setup (with dual-stack if anyone is interested) and have also enabled IPv6 in the LibreELEC configuration add-on (IPv6 set to "auto"). However, there seems to be no default IPv6 route added and so a call to "ping6 google.com" fails. I have added this to my .config/autostart.sh and after a reboot ping6 works as expected:

    # Setup IPv6 networking
    sleep 5
    route add -A inet6 default gw fritz.box
    ) &

    Using the local IPv6 address of my router does also work but I do prefer to use the hostname.

    So the question is: Why is the route to the IPv6 default gateway not automatically added like it is the case for the IPv4 default gateway?


  • So the question is: Why is the route to the IPv6 default gateway not automatically added like it is the case for the IPv4 default gateway?

    Two reasons, which are self-explanatory:

    a) Nobody on LE staff has access to an IPv6 network so we are never testing it

    b) None of the ConnMan maintainers have regular access to an IPv6 network, so they are testing infrequently and not seriously

    User contributions to IPv6 debugging and fixes are very welcome :)