LE 9.2.8: Permanently setting up a long Wifi password such as 60 characters via SSH login: No password prompt from connmanctl while kodi is running

  • After SSH to the LibreELEC server on my Rasp Pi 3 using the latest LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2.8.img.gz software I could not set a very long Wifi password via command line because I did not receive the password prompt from connmanctl when logged in via SSH. Instead the password prompt went straight to the kodi GUI after typing "connect wifi_blablablabla_psk" which I did not want to use because I wanted not to type my long and complex wifi password manually.

    My error was: No password prompt from connmanctl

    My workaround to permanently setting up a long Wifi password such as 60 characters via SSH login was:

    - ssh to LibreELEC server

    - stop kodi because I need to be able to get the password prompt via command line

    systemctl stop kodi

    - set passowrd


    connmanctl> scan wifi

    connmanctl> services

    connmanctl> agent on

    connmanctl> connect wifi_blablablabla_psk <-- your wifi network

    Passphrase? <-- paste long wifi password

    connmanctl> quit

    - start kodi

    systemctl start kodi



  • I suspect this has been fixed in the LE10 codebase. I'm frequently setting passwords via connmanctl and have never seen the behaviour of it prompting in the GUI when I try to configure something from the console.

  • 63 characters is the upper limit allowed for a passphrase in standards, although some routers allow 64 characters. ConnMan enforces the 63 limit. IMHO passwords that long are pointless. The exploits for WiFi networks are always about a protocol vulnerability or something in the iimplementation of a specific chip (at silicon level) or a software component in the wireless stack. Unless it's a WEP network (which is easy) no attacker is going to waste their time trying to brute-force the credential, so anything between 12-20 characters is enough.

    Password Strength

    Correct Horse Battery Staple | Generate Secure Memorable Passwords