Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

  • Latest LE11 nightly RPi2 build from https://test.libreelec.tv/ should start fine on RPi zero 2 (LE10 would also work but we have no RPi2 builds yet).

    Note though that 512MB RAM will be quite tight and you may run into out-of-memory issues.

    so long,


    Hey! I'm totally new to raspberrys. May i get a detailed install guide to libreelec on zero2w? The ones mentioned before dont seem to work anymore. Thanks!

  • The procedures outlined are still correct and valid, however, the daily builds for LE11 as originally documented have already been superseded, so the latest builds for PI3 from "https://test.libreelec.tv/" should be used instead. As mentioned, the approach was never meant to be a definitive supported means for LibreELEC to work on the Pi Zero 2, just a stop-gap measure to facilitate LE7 to LE9 working on the platform until the official release is available. Plus, Christian Hewitt's test LE10 build at "https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/LibreE…m-10.0.2.img.gz" can also be used as a basis for getting LE9 working instead of using the daily LE11 images.

  • Ok, so I just recently bought a PI Zero 2 W and am looking to install LibreElec. Kind of new to this and was wondering if anyone could give me the most recently step by step guide on how to do this or point me in the right direction. I've successfully installed various linux distros on all of my computers with little trouble. I've also installed LibreElec on an old laptop that we're using as a media center. But I can't seem to make heads or tails of this thread on how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chad

  • For those that are looking for the latest firmware for the Pi Zero2 or have encountered the documented issue:

    Updated 43436P firmware for Zero 2 W · RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree@fdaf74c
    The shipping firmware for the SYN43436P does not support 4-way handshake offloading. This new firmware (version string "Version: CRC: 143f9f15…

    the image can be obtained from:

    firmware-nonfree/brcmfmac43436-sdio.bin at fdaf74c780ca7a29b12d62e5b0d37c38c2321e20 · RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree
    Contribute to RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Unsure yet if other issues crop up, will investigate and report findings.

  • So far operations have been stable, does not seem like much has changed from the previous "test" release other than some subtle fixes ...

    Simply replaced the already substituted firmware from the previously fixed "SYSTEM" file and using it on all the patched LE9 images ...

    Will also check on previous LE7, LE8, and LE10 releases, but I do not anticipate any variances from the last round of testing.

  • So does LIbreElec work now with the zero 2 w? I'm not completely tech savy enough to keep up with this. Does anyone have a detailed way for me to get this working? Like teach me how to download the image on an sd card and if I need to update anything on my zero. My goal is to create a micro Kodi box of sorts. Any help would be appreciated.

  • So does LIbreElec work now with the zero 2 w?

    LE11 nightly images will boot/run on the board, but will probably deliver a weak Kodi experience for two reasons. First, 512MB RAM just isn't really enough for Kodi 20 and a good overall experience and we see the same on other 512MB systems which is why the project has chosen to drop official support for all hardware with under 1GB RAM. Second, the newer RPi codebase no longer supports all the "clever but hacky" optimising done to OMX/MMAL in the past (these no longer exist in Kodi) so HEVC will be a problem. The simple reason there are deliberately no official LE 9.2.x images for the Zero2 is: we didin't want to add support for something in LE9.2 that we already dropped support for in the next release (LE10). TL/DR: You can boot LE11 but don't expect it to be great and when it isn't, don't expect support.

  • I can understand that the project doesn't want to support ALL the devices out there. Especially if the performance isn't up to par.


    I'm running Kodi just fine on a Zero 2 W. It's not overly responsive but it works. And as soon as something is playing i don't experience any low performance issues at all. AND the RasPi is directly powered by my TV without blocking an additional outlet.

    Just install DietPi!

    Installing Kodi and setting it up to autostart is REALLY easy. Konfiguring everything to your needs is almost as simple as it is with libreelec.

    I wouldn't recommend an alternative OS here if the project did support the Zero family. But i feel there is a (small but justified) demand for Kodi on these devices. DietPi does get the job done in a convenient and unbloated way.

    If you have a Motorolla Atrix Lapdock, there is nothing better to put them into good use than connecting a Pi Zero 2 W to it.

  • Just bumping because I'm curious:

    Is there anyone out there using LibreELEC on a Zero 2W?

    I'd give it another shot but I'm not sure what steps are needed to get it properly running. As far as I remember there was some addidional configuration needed because the Zero W has less RAM and a different WIFI chip (compared to other RasPis).

    Should I use LE 12 stable? Or 13 nightly? What tweaks are necessary?

  • Is there anyone out there using LibreELEC on a Zero 2W?

    Stats show 33 active installs on a Zero 2W board. 1x on 12.0.2, 1x on 11.0.6, 24x on 10.0.4, and the rest on old nightlies. Installs do not prove it's viable, I'd expect half/most of them are just using LE to run something like Tvheadend in the background. Playback will not be great and there's no cure for that. If you're still keen to have a poor experience, the instructions are probably in this thread.

  • Playback will not be great and there's no cure for that.

    Playback on a Pi Zero 2W is absolutely no problem. The hardware is more than capable of handling Full-HD videos. Even a Pi Zero W (1) can do that.


    If you're still keen to have a poor experience...

    The poor experience is only while navigating the LibreELEC GUI. Once the desired content started it's as good as on any other device.

    Upside: A Pi Zero 2W can be powered by a TV's USB port and doesn't need its own power adapter. Or you can connect it to an old motorola lapdock.