Rotación de pantalla

  • Hola qué tal, por este medio quisiera pedir si alguien me puede ayudar estoy tratando de hace un sistema multimedia para mí auto y la idea es usar una Notebook de forma invertida pegada al techo del mismo el problema es que no consigo invertir la pantalla para mí objetivo si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradecería el programa está muy bueno saludos

    Hello how are you, hereby I would like to ask if someone can help me I am trying to make a multimedia system for my car and the idea is to use a Notebook in an inverted way attached to the ceiling of the same the problem is that I can not invert the screen to my goal if someone can help me I would appreciate it the program is very good greetings

  • You can create a custom /storage/.config/xorg.conf based on the embedded default conf, but with changes for screen rotation. I don't know what the parameters are, but you should be able to find them online.