Libreelec 10.0 Pi4 x264 4K no video, only audio

  • Hey everyone,

    I'm on LibreELEC 10 on a raspi4 and I have playback issues: no video at all, but I do get the audio.

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    Version and stuff

    Shell session
    LibreELEC (official): 10.0.0 (RPi4.arm)
    LibreELEC:~ # grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
    2021-09-25 21:51:16.414 T:763      INFO <general>: Starting Kodi (19.1 (19.1.0) Git:6402a50950ff6463042f8891ec4029c782730391). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
    2021-09-25 21:51:16.414 T:763      INFO <general>: Using Release Kodi x32
    2021-09-25 21:51:16.414 T:763      INFO <general>: Kodi compiled 2021-08-11 by GCC 10.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 5.10.52 (330292)
    LibreELEC:~ # grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

    Thanks for your help.

  • Thanks, @Irusak

    Question, what is the difference to the file below? It's also 4K and the RPi4 decodes it quite smoothly?

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    Final question, which HW supports h264>1080p?


  • Thanks, @Irusak

    Question, what is the difference to the file below? It's also 4K and the RPi4 decodes it quite smoothly?

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    Final question, which HW supports h264>1080p?


    That file uses HEVC (h265) which the RPi4 supports up to 4k resolutions.