I installed a brand new RaspBerry pi 4B (8GB) with the latest version of the distribution. I was disappointed because on first start, LE decided to configure the sound goung thru the Bluetooth instead of HDMI. Don't know why but it took me some time to find the cause of "no sound" videos.
LE 9.95.3 & Bluetooth
micj1420 -
June 3, 2021 at 5:28 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
so, whats your message ?
Why does it default to Bluetooth instead of HDMI on first start? I had no step to configure the sound during the install process.
- Official Post
Bluetooth is broken on LE, so it maybe affects audio rooting in a bad way. Just deactivate it.
- Official Post
Bluetooth is broken on LE, so it maybe affects audio rooting in a bad way. Just deactivate it.
This isn't the problem. We just use pulseaudio for bluetooth audio. Alsa should be enumerated first however there is possibly a chance that the alsa device isn't ready and the fallback is the pulseaudio device (which is just a null sink when not using bluetooth).