BubbleUPnP Server

  • Hi guys,

    Any chance we could get BubbleUPnP Server running on LibreElec?

    I like how it works and what it does, especially the OpenHome functionality.

    It would be useful to have it running alongside Kodi and have it provide OpenHome functionality to different Media Renderers.

  • It's not planned to add such functionality to the main core. LibreELEC/Kodi is designed as a CLIENT application and should be as lean and mean as possible.

    You could try using Docker, there should be enough options for running one or more servers in there.

  • I wasn't precise enough, I meant to add this as an addon in the repo.

    My guess is there are some dependencies that may or may not be available in the repo normally, and if that's the case then docker is the way to go.

    I looked into docker, it is present on docker hub but not through linuxserver.io

    I haven't used docker before, so I'll have to read up a bit before trying to make this work.

  • I managed to get this working through Docker.

    It was rather straight forward and not complicated at all, which is weird - I was sure it will be a huge headache...

  • I'm keen to get a bubbleupnp server running on LE for transcoding. Would you care to elaborate on how you got this working? (And what Linux skill level would you estimate).


    Edited once, last by jmi (September 16, 2023 at 1:53 AM).