T95 Mini - Netflix Problem

  • Hallo,

    i used Libreelec on a x86 and on a T95 Mini ...

    Both device have the same config and Addons ...

    PVR IPTV Simple Client

    VPN Manager for openvpn




    All run without Problems on both Devices only Netflix on the T95 Mini have Problems and i cant start Movie after Login ....

    I hope same People can help and fixed the Problem with me together

    (Log snippet removed by moderator)

  • Two things for starters:

    - Please don't splatter log files into our forum. We prefer to keep our forum server as clean as possible

    - When you do provide a log file, do so via pastebin website/service. Enable debugging, restart LibreELEC, reproduce the error(s) and provide the FULL log unedited and uncut. Not just the part(s) that you find interesting. Log files in the forum are a pain to look at anyway with the forced wordwrap.

  • OK!

    But why waipu and joyn i can used`?

    She need widevine too and there is all fine with both Addons!

    The Debuglog


    Edited 2 times, last by Semiotik: gelöscht , delete, წაიშალა (May 16, 2021 at 12:28 PM).

  • ?

    What you mean with piracy? Please notice my IP and then you know streams are legal (same) switzerland and i used only the german legal Streams in this Addon (Netzkino) not the other and this is legal too and this addon is comfortable for this!

    Waipu (legal)

    Joyn (Legal)

    Netflix (legal)

    IP Streams (legal) i make only XXXXX so my accountlogin people cant see!

    I can used Adjaranet too (where all movies open an free) because is legal and not piracy!

    Please do not always judge someone directly, but also question and inquire.

    Regards Semiotik

  • Code
    2021-05-16 08:03:57.665 T:660 INFO <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: plugin.video.xstream v3.5.22~nightly14 installed
    2021-05-16 08:03:57.666 T:660 INFO <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: repository.xstream v1.1.5 installed

    It is not about your IP, or Waipu, Joyn or Netflix. However, the listed xstream repository/add-on is one of those well-known piracy add-ons.

    Also looking at the very 1st page of the Adjaranet website, it also offers various movies that have been released in 2021. I highly doubt that Adjaranet has a commercial agreement with the respective film-making companies where Adjaranet is allowed to distribute all those movies for free. If Adjaranet were a 'normal' company, they would also have a proper contact address and phone numbers. None of that I can find on their website. It's just one of those obvious things.

    It's plain and simple: using add-ons to watch movies/tvshows/sports for which you normally have to pay, and that you now watch for free, is fully off limits as per LibreELEC's and Kodi's forum rules. Perhaps you should actually read the piracy policy on Kodi's wiki.

    Moreover, suddenly removing your log file "when there is nothing wrong" is a bit too obvious, don't you think?

    Please do not always judge someone directly, but also question and inquire.

    I've been part of Kodi and LibreELEC for more than 5 years. Experience goes a long way. Of course you can install every bit of crap that you want on your Kodi device, we're not going to hold you back on that. But, we do reserve the right to withhold support on whatever we think is inappropriate or harmful to the reputations of LibreELEC and/or Kodi.

    The Netflix problem could be a widevine problem, but without a clean Kodi log file that is difficult to confirm.

  • Adjara Net is registratet under C G L - BIA

    is so how i say because in georgia is this not privicy and the companies now and have a agreement with adjaranet ;) (but we dont must have a discus about this)

    i send in night a new log file without this addon!

    Edited once, last by Semiotik (May 16, 2021 at 1:35 PM).

  • Adjara Net

    C G L - BIA

    Why is there a big fat "suspended" logo on that account..?

    And again, no phone numbers or means of contact (other than to visit a building).

    because in georgia is this not privicy and the companies now and have a agreement with adjaranet

    As if i'm simply going to take your word for it? Sorry dude, it's not convincing me. Sadly your bad english isn't helping either. Perhaps someone else can help, it's beyond me.

  • Is a subscription method for local sites being discussed as a legal obligation? Are Georgian music and movie sites committing a copyright violation?

    Adjaranet, for example, is licensed for communication to the public of music (including music in movies). We do not have the competence to check whether or not Adjaranet obtains movies legally: it is only a right holder that can require Adjaranet or any other website to purchase content legally from them. The situation is quite complex because some rights are administered collectively and, in this case, the CMO (GCA) issues a license, and there are cases when the CMO does not have the competence to require a license. In Adjaranet’s case, the CMO is only entitled to ask Adjaranet to obtain a license for music when it is communicated to the public, but before that, they have to obtain movies legally directly from the right holders or their distributors, which is a process that can be controlled only by the right holders.

    Adjaranet sign a agreement with some companies from 01.06.2021 the website have a contact under [email protected] but a virtuel office is in georgia enough with a adress (more you dont need) ... but is the wrong topic!

    In night you get a new debuglog without one addon! is not a problem ....

  • (more you dont need) ... but is the wrong topic!

    No, you first mentioned Adjaranet, where all movies open an free....

    After reading your quoted subscription method text above, that claim is bullshit.

    In that pasted text (From where you got it, I have no clue. There is no URL link) it is claimed that Adjaranet is licensed for music, but for movies somehow contracts were already signed as per... 01.06.2021. So legally, at this moment, it's still illegal for them to distribute those movies.


    but a virtuel office is in georgia enough with a adress (more you dont need)

    Perhaps in Georgian law all you need is a post box and a virtual machine, but Kodi does not fall under Georgian law. Kodi has its headquarters based in the United States of America. So that's our starting point.

  • and i write adjaranet sign a agreement and he start offizial with 01.06.2021 and this news you find too!

    The Contract is starting with this Date and adjaranet dont get mor sanktionen here in Georgia!

    No Matter (delete this Post) and netflix is running now on this box too! 2 minutes fpor helping an you start a diskussionen about topics you dont know ... and check on 01.06.2021 the website adjaranet agein and you see :rolleyes:

  • you start a diskussionen about topics you dont know

    My instincts were correct. You are violating this forum's rules by bringing in a Kodi setup with an addon that facilitates video piracy to begin with, namely xstream. On top of all that, your precious adjaranet was already reported to be acting illegally on 2 December 2019.

    I don't care if it's a 2-second or a 2-day problem. If you are presenting Kodi setups here video piracy add-ons here repeatedly, you will have your butt kicked off this forum if necessary.