Netflix Add-on not working after update from 9.2.6 to 9.95.2 on Raspberry Pi

  • On one Raspberry Pi 4 with Libreelec 9.2.6 the Nextflix Add-on worked fine. I updated Libreelec to 9.95.2. Several other Add-ons and Netflix Add-on were updated. Now the Netflix Add-on starts as usual, I am signed in, but when I click on a video to stream it I get the error message in my language meaning something like "at least one file can't be played - see log file". I installed the log viewer add-on, it works. Then I installed Kodi log uploader. When trying to upload, I get an error messag - "upload not possible, see log".

    On another Raspberry Pi 2 without installed Netflix I updated Libreelec also from 9.2.6 to 9.92.2. Thereafter I installed the Netflix add-on and other necessary software. The same happens there also. When clicking on a video in Netflix I get the same error message as on my Raspberry 4.

    What can I do? Uninstall every Netflix add-on related software and start from scratch?


    Just noticed that the 9.95.2 is a beta version. No warning when installing it.

    That's probably it. I could go back to 9.6.2 but the addons would not.

    Edited once, last by Franz47 (May 9, 2021 at 9:21 AM).

  • Thanks for the input. Unfortunately I ruined the whole installation finally. Several addons did not work any more with the 9.95.2 version. I finally realized that this is a beta version. No warning during update. I ended up with a complete new installation of NOOBS having version 9.6.2 on the libreelec/kodi arm. Now I am fighting to get the old version of the castagnait addon to work. I have installed Input Stream Adaptive and Helper and I can get into my account but when clicking on a video, it flashes up shortly and then nothing else happens. A lot of time wasted already

  • It's beta in the sense that some of the video pipeline is not fully flushed out, but it's highly subjective to your use case & media setup. The latest nightly is running smooth for everything I need. But I think your issue is probably because you upgraded, when they are asking users to do fresh installs. Most of the posts I have seen with folks upgrading run into problems with skins & addons, which is more to do with the skin & addon authors than anything else.

    The warnings are all over the blog post, and Forum post, but it sounds like you missed that.

    LibreELEC (Matrix) 10.0 BETA2 – LibreELEC

  • I am using NOOBS to install a Raspbian and LibreElec/Kodi on the same card, since I need both of them alternatively. Finnish TV has ended APIs for Kodi, so the YLE-addon for Kodi has gone up in smoke. The programs can be seen in a browser though, that is why I need the Raspbian, which needs a mouse and keyboard. All other streaming can be done with LibreElec/Kodi/addons which is easy to handle with the TV remote control for all family members. The newest version offered by NOOBS ist the 9.6.2. That is the reason why I was upgrading to 9.52.2 and not a fresh install. I could install the latest version of LibreElec only on a memory card but then I would have to switch memory cards whenever I want to change between Raspbian and LibreElec/Kodi. Now I am trying to get back from scratch to my 9.6.2 config which was working perfectly....

    Do you know any other way than NOOBS to install a Raspbian and the latest LibreElecKodi on the same memory card for the Raspberry Pi?

  • Do you know any other way than NOOBS to install a Raspbian and the latest LibreElecKodi on the same memory card for the Raspberry Pi?

    As the RPi4B supports USB booting by now, you could also consider installing Raspbian and LibreELEC on different drives:

    - USB sticks

    - SSD drives via USB/SATA cable (also better data integrity)

    - SDcards via USB card readers

    NOOBS can be the proverbial PITA.

  • I have installed a plain 9.6.2 version (no NOOBS) on a Raspberry Pi 2. Then I installed InputStream Adaptive, RTMPinput and the CastagnaIT Repository for Kodi 18.X. Then from this repository the Netflix addon, started it, it downloaded the Chrome OS etc etc and announced that installation was ok. But still the same problem as before - I can sign in with my credentials, find my list, the images are displayed in the left bar but when I try to start a video, it just flashes a short moment, thereafter the screen remains as before trying to start.

    I must be doing something basic completely wrong every time, since it happens on both Raspberries, just can`'t imagine what it might be.

  • I have installed a plain 9.6.2 version (no NOOBS) on a Raspberry Pi 2. Then I installed InputStream Adaptive, RTMPinput and the CastagnaIT Repository for Kodi 18.X. Then from this repository the Netflix addon, started it, it downloaded the Chrome OS etc etc and announced that installation was ok. But still the same problem as before - I can sign in with my credentials, find my list, the images are displayed in the left bar but when I try to start a video, it just flashes a short moment, thereafter the screen remains as before trying to start.

    I must be doing something basic completely wrong every time, since it happens on both Raspberries, just can`'t imagine what it might be.

    I just said that the new widevine seems to have broken things

  • Read here how to downgrade Widevine: Click!

    I don't have any previous versions offered since I have made fresh installations on my Raspberries. I could not find any choice of versions during installation either like with addon versions. Can I somehow influence versions of Widevine installed?

    Edited once, last by Franz47 (May 12, 2021 at 7:18 AM).

  • The latest 0.5.3 release of the inputstream helper addon contains a temporary fix which will download a working widevine version - see Release v0.5.3 · emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper · GitHub

    It looks like it's available in kodi 19/Matrix addon repo, but not 18/Leia. So on LE10beta an addon update should do the trick, on LE9.2 you have to download and install the zip manually. Then kick off a widevine download/update in the inputstream helper addon.

    See also these issues for more background info

    Playback fails using newer Widevine CDM 4.10.2252.0 on ARM · Issue #437 · emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper · GitHub

    Latest Widevine 4.10.2252.0 fails to load · Issue #678 · xbmc/inputstream.adaptive · GitHub

    RPI - Unable to play videos - error: InputStream Adaptive: Unable to load widevine shared library · Issue #1154 · CastagnaIT/ · GitHub

    so long,


  • NOOBS can be the proverbial PITA.

    In this case it turned out to be innocent. It was just pure coincidence that I updated when the widevine which would be installed thereafter, had a critical bug.

    An alternative would be to install Kodi under Raspbian and let it start automatically after booting. That would eliminate the absolute need for a keyboard-mouse and still make a browser available without rebooting the RP