LE 9.95.1 RPi4 Samba Win10 issue

  • Hi there,

    i'm sorry for this topis, but i tried to follow each suggestions what i could find about LE and Samba with Windows 10, but i just can't get i work.

    For many years I was just a regular user of kodi, now I wanted to share a USB drive connected to RPi4 so that I could access it from the network (from a PC running Windows 10).

    I'm running LE 9.95.1 on RPi4, on fresh new instalation i enabled SAMBA, i set a username and password for the SMB protocol. and also enabled autosharing for connected USB drives.

    At the beginning i followed one of many guides, how set the configuration and sharing for SAMBA via SSH (it was wrong as i did it in .smb/smb.conf), after i found out that it is wrong i set the configuration in: .kodi/.smb/user.conf.

    One of many tries looks like (for the testing i just wanted to share at least something):

    However, I'm still not able to access the shared folder and I'm not sure if my sharing is set up correctly, or where it's possible to verify it ...

    From PC with Windows 10 i tried to access (and also connect as network drive) IP address with shared name, like: \\\Videos with the same user name and pwd what i set in LE. I also added this user to windows.

    I'm trying to find the right solution for 6+ hours now and i'm going crazy about it...

    Thank you very mich in advance for any advice.


  • Remove aany changes from /storage/.kodi/.smb/user.conf and /storage/.config/samba.conf .. and on the Windows box you should be able to select Avahi/Bonjour/ZeroConf network browsing to find the LE Samba share correctly. Win10 always wants to authenticate connections so you will need to enable authentication and set the user/pass details. If that doesn't work, enable SMB client debug logging in Kodi on the Windows side and share the log.

  • Thank you very much, i'm going to do that and will report back asap.

    Ps: user.conf was empty and there wasn't any samba.conf at the beginning at all (when i followed instructions, i used settings from samba.conf.sample)

  • Thank you very much for your help.

    At first i revert everything back, restarted RPi and still was not able to connect. I installed kodi on Windows, tried to set up SAMBA client and there was an error about Zeroconf, i reinstalled bojnour services and after Win reboot i was finally able to connect :)

    Thank you so much again, as i really tried at least 10 different solution what i found over internet, there wasn't anything about zeroconf at all.

    I owe you a lot as you save me next couple of hours.

    Have a nice day, Washa