Is there any way that I can transfer files from libreelec (raspberry pi 4b) to a mobiles devices like a smartphone through mtp drivers or other ways offline? I am not interested online but only offline ways.
Thank you all a lot for your time
Is there any way that I can transfer files from libreelec (raspberry pi 4b) to a mobiles devices like a smartphone through mtp drivers or other ways offline? I am not interested online but only offline ways.
Thank you all a lot for your time
LE has an add-on called iConnect which packages usbmuxd (libimobiledevice · A cross-platform FOSS library written in C to communicate with iOS devices natively.) and the system-tools add-on contains MTPFS as part of the "FUSE" drivers which IIRC should allow MTP devices to be mounted. Not my area of expertise tho
LE has an add-on called iConnect which packages usbmuxd (libimobiledevice · A cross-platform FOSS library written in C to communicate with iOS devices natively.) and the system-tools add-on contains MTPFS as part of the "FUSE" drivers which IIRC should allow MTP devices to be mounted. Not my area of expertise tho
Thanks for the response and for your precious time, but I have a question, will this work for android? Or just ios? Because I am looking an offline way to support Android file transfering
No idea. Go install system-tools and experiment.
No idea. Go install system-tools and experiment.
Unfortunately my android smartphone is not appearing on file manager so I am guessing it doesn't work for android, but I would love to try some other methods
Is there any way that I can transfer files from libreelec (raspberry pi 4b) to a mobiles devices like a smartphone through mtp drivers or other ways offline? I am not interested online but only offline ways.
Thank you all a lot for your time
What you mean by offline?Is it cable only what you want?
Did you try bluetooth?
What you mean by offline?Is it cable only what you want?
Did you try bluetooth?
so bluetooth is currently broken on libreelc to transfer files from android device to libreelec and i want to transfer files from libreelec to android device by some way and not the opposite,plus bluetooth transfers are very slow
so bluetooth is currently broken on libreelc to transfer files from android device to libreelec and i want to transfer files from libreelec to android device by some way and not the opposite,plus bluetooth transfers are very slow
I know what you mean..I have no idea how you can do that offline without network then besides an sd card or root your phone so you can find an apk like "SD card as USB drive" that enables the beloved usb mass storage device we had before as standard on old phones..saying that old phones should still work fine when you connect...
Otherwise you ll have to go online..then you ll have many options