HDMI-CEC does not work on Raspberry Pi 400 with Libreelec 10.0 BETA1

  • I can't get HDMI-CEC to work on my Raspberry Pi 400 using the Libreelec 10.0 BETA1. I tried tweaking the input adapter settings, rebooting, checking the TV's settings... Everything looks good. But the TV does not detect the device, it detects my Odroid C2 with Libreelec 9.x just fine.

    My TV is a HiSense H7709 Series (2019) 43" 4K Smart TV

    Edited once, last by sbstp (March 28, 2021 at 6:38 PM).

  • Make sure you use the right HDMI port, the one next to the SD card slot. CEC works fine here using that on my Pi400 (CEC won't work on the HDMI port next to the USB-C power connector).

    so long,


  • Make sure you use the right HDMI port, the one next to the SD card slot. CEC works fine here using that on my Pi400 (CEC won't work on the HDMI port next to the USB-C power connector).

    so long,


    Thanks, I had the same problem and came across this post. It worked for me too.