Hi when i had libreelec 9 i had 4k60hz and without gettig a fresh install i upgraded to libreelec 10 in config.txt the 4k60hz option dissapeared ,although i know 4k60hz isnt possible on libreelec 10 yet ,i was facing some known issues with the sound that was synched and the playback wasnt smooth how can i fix that? I read about other users that just deleted that options and they were find but i cant find this option since i upgraded to libreelec 10 , is there any way to fix that without having a fresh install? Thank you all for your precious time

Question about 4k60 on libreelec 10
linuxuser -
March 23, 2021 at 8:27 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
I'm assuming you mean on an RPi4? AFAIK that isn't supported yet and you shouldn't be using the 4k60 option
I'm assuming you mean on an RPi4? AFAIK that isn't supported yet and you shouldn't be using the 4k60 option
Yes I am using rpi4 8gb ram model and yes I know its not supported but I am facing some issues that in other threads are caused by the 4k60 option in config.txt but I don't have that option although I had it on libreelec 9 and upgrade it to libreelec 10 thank you for your precious time
- Official Post
It's probably a better idea if you just describe the problem you are experiencing and we can tell you how to fix them. Otherwise everyone is just guessing
Okay when I play a movie suddenly the after the first 30 mins the audio isn't synchronized with the video , and when I stop the playback the video still continues to play for 10-30 seconds and this happens to all files with 4k hdr and HD Audio pass-through and these files are not 4k60 just 4k30
- Official Post
...this happens to all files with 4k hdr and HD Audio pass-through...
Maybe buffer size isn't large enough for HD audio. Try this at /storage/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml:
Hi thanks for the response, since I am a begginer what's the easier way to access and edit this file? Because I can't find the file through nppftp on notepad++
- Official Post
I would not recommend this
I would not recommend this
Then what can I do to fix it, I also saw some other created thread in libreelec forum that have the exact same problem I think but I am not sure. But anyway what do you think i must do in order to resolve the issue
Thank you for your help in advance
- Official Post
Then what can I do to fix it, I also saw some other created thread in libreelec forum that have the exact same problem I think but I am not sure. But anyway what do you think i must do in order to resolve the issue
Thank you for your help in advance
Nothing really. Consider the RPi4 build still a work in progress
Nothing really. Consider the RPi4 build still a work in progress
I hadn't these problems on libreelec 9 but only in libreelec 10, and it is really annoying to see any movie (that happens to 1080p videos too sometimes) and after 20-30 minutes the audio is out of synch with the video suddenly and I must restart libreelec raspberry pi 8gb ram model to watch normally some more 20-30 minutes of the movie and after I must restart again....
Thank you for your precious time
- Official Post
please read Upcoming changes – LibreELEC
please read Upcoming changes – LibreELEC
Sorry if it's dumb question but I Just read it , so is this normal?