Hi, I'm currently building an HTPC and plan to base it around Librelec. I'm fine with building the box itself but I'll be wanting to use a remote control that just plugs in and works as I am completely unfamiliar with Linux. I'm currently looking at something like the WeChip Air Mouse which handily provides a keypad on the back as well as being an air mouse. It uses Bluetooth rather than IR. Or would it be better to get something like an RC6 compliant remote? Unfortunately these are getting quite thin on the ground anyway, even via Ebay and a lot of them don;t come with an IR receiver/dongle either. At one time they were really common but I suspect bluetooth-air mouse style ones have beocm emore popular. Can anyone provide advice?
Newbie wanting out of the box remote control
Azmodan -
March 11, 2021 at 9:42 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
get a flirc device then use any IR remote you have lying around
I am using this cheap airmouse and it works perfectly
I'm using this for a couple of Pi's and a couple of Intel HTPC's.
Thanks guys. I actually have no spare IR's and FLIRC dongles aren;t cheap here.. I should also have mentioned I'm in Great Britain, and the airmouse linked above is US only (it's not even on Ebay here). However, given that WeChip is a very popular brand and most bluetooth air mice work in the same way, it seems likely if that one worke dout of the box, then a WeChip would as well?
Thanks guys. I actually have no spare IR's and FLIRC dongles aren;t cheap here.. I should also have mentioned I'm in Great Britain, and the airmouse linked above is US only (it's not even on Ebay here). However, given that WeChip is a very popular brand and most bluetooth air mice work in the same way, it seems likely if that one worke dout of the box, then a WeChip would as well?
I am from Greece and bought it on greece , why you don't search for a local store that has it because I bought it from a local store in my neighborhood
Thanks guys. I actually have no spare IR's and FLIRC dongles aren;t cheap here.. I should also have mentioned I'm in Great Britain, and the airmouse linked above is US only
Sam Nazarko and OSMC is based in UK so getting the remote i linked to in my previous post should be easy.