Squeezelite: Where do I find the multi media addon

  • I have just spent 45 minutes trying to find the multimedia add-on for libreelec, which I understand contains the squeezelite plugin.

    This is on a Pi3 with LE 9.2.6 and Kodi 18.9.

    Can someone point me to a patronisingly simple step by step guide?

  • The only mention of squeezelite that I can find is in the LE repo: Program Add-ons > Multimedia Tools. What you do with that .. I have no idea.

    Even with my newly flashed LibreELEC Pi3+, in KODI / Add-ons / Program add-ons I saw only

    LibreELEC Configuration

    LibreELEC Module Drivers

    So I went to

    KODI / Add-ons / Download / Install from repository / LibreELEC Add-ons / Program add-ons

    and chose to install

    Multimedia Tools

    which currently includes alsamixer, mediainfo, mesa-deoms, mpg123, opencaster, squeezelite, tsdecrypt and tstools.

    The installation failed a few times in a strange way (The button "Install" had a trash can icon under it). I removed it and then it installed.

    Now Multimedia ( tools was installed, but I still could not find squeezelite in kodi. As it happens, changes for this version are

    - Update squeezelite to b2ed99e and support all possible media formats

    Via an ssh session I found this:

    KodiPi:~ # find /storage/ | grep squee


    KodiPi:~ # ls -l /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.multimedia-tools/bin/squeezelite

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 848320 Feb 27 17:19 /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.multimedia-tools/bin/squeezelite

    So I rebooted. And still I can't find squeezelite. I tried this:

    KodiPi:~ # /storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.multimedia-tools/bin/squeezelite

    [17:56:29.238166] test_open:281 playback open error: No such file or directory

    [17:56:29.238601] output_init_common:384 unable to open output device: default

    What am I doing wrong?

    Latest log is at http://ix.io/2R6b

  • I am trawling through that massive thread at the moment.

    Meanwhile I found this, which might mean I have to connect my external DAC in order for squeezelite to start.

    So I connected the DAC and this is what I got

    Edited once, last by BeastOfBodmin (February 27, 2021 at 7:16 PM).