TL:DR Should an HDMI 1.4 cable work please?
Among other things I am having trouble getting sound from my HDMI to TV.
It worked from audio jack fine.
I had a brand new official pi HDMI cable.
Bit it was damaged.
When I looked inside both of the hdmi ports of the 'brand new but off ebay' Pi4, the top left pins were sticking down.
Prior to this I had tried using a little hdmi to micro adapter. This showed no video or audio.
I didn't look inside the port before I used this adapter.
When I realised my new official cable wasn't working, I looked closer and realised it was damaged.
Then i realised that the top left pins were down and pushed into the plastic part of the cable.
I pushed them up so they wouldn't do it again.
I don't know if this could remove the audio if maybe I have pushed them too far?
I am talking about the thicker metal pins. Not quite sure what they do, but look like they hold the plug in place? You know the ones?
They go into the dimples on the outside of the plug itself.
Anyway instead of spending a tenner on another new official cable, I have now been given an HDMI 1.4 just on the off chance that works.
It doesn't.
So, I thought I would check if the 1.4 should work with audio or not first please?