No Audio output in my TV from LE

  • Hi Guys,

    I bought a TV and connect it with LE mini pc (

    LibreELEC (official): 9.2.2 (Generic.x86_64))

    and I didn't get the sound with these error in the log:

    with Samsung TV is working but with Chinese TV not working and I changed with the audio source all options but no luck!

    Edited once, last by spiderfish (February 8, 2021 at 10:55 AM).

  • OK, thanks for testing. The next trick sounds weird, but I know it solved audio issues for some users. When playing a video stream and pressing "OK", the status bar appears. On the bottom right you'll see a gear wheel, which contains a setting for de-interlacing. On my RPi nightly build this setting is grayed out, but you maybe have it. Deactivate de-interlacing, if you can.