Pi 4 8G, Argon ONE V2 case, no HDMI sound

  • Greetings,

    This topic has apparently been exhausted here and in other places all over the net but I have not been able to solve the problem with the info I've found.

    I have the Raspberry Pi 4 8G in an Argon ONE V2 case running LibreELEC. I haven't been able to figure out how to get HDMI sound working. I've tried several of the directives suggested by many people such as:

    hdmi_drive=2(this is the only one that, by itself, didn't completely bork my system but it still didn't help)

    and then various combinations of the rest these in addition to hdmi_drive=2 rendered my system unbootable:






    I tried two different HDMI cables. I know at least one of them is HDMI 2.0 and they both work in other applications.

    I tried earbuds plugged into the audio port on the back of the case and I DO hear audio there.

    I tried plugging into both HDMI ports on the case although, I'm aware that you're supposed to use the one closest to the power supply.

    Here's some configuration details in their current state:

    # egrep -i 'audiooutput|fvolumelevel' /storage/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml

    <setting id="audiooutput.ac3passthrough" default="true">true</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.ac3transcode" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.atempothreshold" default="true">2</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.audiodevice">PI:Both</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.channels" default="true">1</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.config">1</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.dtshdpassthrough" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.dtspassthrough" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.eac3passthrough" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.guisoundmode" default="true">1</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.maintainoriginalvolume" default="true">true</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.passthrough" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.passthroughdevice">PI:HDMI</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.processquality" default="true">30</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.samplerate" default="true">48000</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.stereoupmix" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.streamnoise" default="true">true</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.streamsilence" default="true">1</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.truehdpassthrough" default="true">false</setting>

    <setting id="audiooutput.volumesteps" default="true">20</setting>



    # grep -v ^'#' /flash/config.txt | sed '/^$/d'





    include distroconfig.txt


    # cat distroconfig.txt

    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

    # Copyright (C) 2019-present Team LibreELEC (LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI)






    I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

    I've been suspicious of the Argon case all along because it has full size HDMI ports - I'm thinking the micro to full size adapter isn't playing nice so the only other thing I can think of trying is to use a different case(which I have) and a micro to full size HDMI cable.

    However, if anybody has any suggestions or sees any problems with my setup I would appreciate any feedback.

    Thank you!


  • Feeling pretty dumb right about now... I just opened the case and discovered that the HDMI closest to the power port on the motherboard is routed to the HDMI furthest from the power port on the outside of the case.

    Even though I tried both HDMI ports, I obviously didn't try it with the settings in my previous post after completely powering down the unit.

    HDMI audio and video working now.

  • Feeling pretty dumb right about now... I just opened the case and discovered that the HDMI closest to the power port on the motherboard is routed to the HDMI furthest from the power port on the outside of the case.

    Even though I tried both HDMI ports, I obviously didn't try it with the settings in my previous post after completely powering down the unit.

    HDMI audio and video working now.

    Can you confirm which HDMI port worked, (from the POV of facing the back of the case) the one on the left (outside) or the one on the right (inside)? I am using the one on the left and get video but no audio. If I move the cable to the other port I get nothing at all. If I am using the right HDMI port is there something else I need to do beyond selecting HDMI in the audio options to get it to work? I tried testing YouTube in the Pi Desktop and no audio there either. I am stuck. Thanks.