How do I get to /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/custom_remote on RPI4

  • I know it's a hidden file but I'm using finder on OSX. Usually I can unhide things no problem using Command + Shift + . but it's not working.

    Also why is there what seems to be the same set of files under the config folder? I'm on a Raspberry Pi 4. Is the file structure different?

  • 0. cd /

    1. mount -o remount,rw /flash

    2. in /flash/config.txt => dtoverlay=gpio-ir

    Add the gpio_pin parameter if you used a custom GPIO (default is 18). eg:


  • Instead of changing /etc/rc_maps.cfg you have to store your custom configuration in /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg.

    use /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg.sample

    Custom keytables need to be stored in /storage/.config/rc_keymaps

    cp my_custom_remote /storage/.config/rc_keymaps

  • ghtester I used Terminal (like putty but built in to osx) to SSH in no problem

    nsst I already set the overlay and the Pi detects key presses just fine. I just need to make the nec protocol the default but can't reveal the hidden files. I already see non-writable files without remounting but tried anyway, no difference.

    Here is my file structure without hidden files:

    Why does the config directory exist? It seems identical to the one that is supposed to be hidden?


  • I managed to do it in terminal and used nano. Cumbersome but I have access. I'm using the nec protocol and a Mecool KIII pro rc key map. Where do I define those?


  • So I know my remote responds to the nec protocol and that my PI4 sees it and reports events. Thats all good.

    After hooking up my gpio IR and testing to make sure it responds with my Harmony set to mecool device I did the following:

    1. Copied my rc_maps.cfg to /storage/.config/
    2. Copied my mecool table to /storage/.config/rc_keymaps
    3. Added dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=18 to /fash/config.txt
    4. and finally remounted flash with mount -o remount,rw /flash

    I am not sure which driver to use so I copied from the rc_maps.cfg.sample file and ended up with this in my

    gpio-rc-recv *  mecool

    When I try to run the table manually using ir-keytable -c -w /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/mecool,I get the following error:

    Invalid parameter on line 1 of /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/mecool
    ir-keytable: Failed to read table file /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/mecool

    Any words of wisdom? I attached my files in case that helps.

    By the way, the wiki states:

    "LibreELEC still ships with LIRC so IR remotes with non-standard protocols and rather special setups can be supported. In general, keep LIRC disabled (in LibreELEC Settings → Services) and only enable it for exceptional cases where you actually need it."

    I can't find the setting anywhere. Do I still need to disable lirc?

  • I believe this thread should be marked as Resolved as you are asking off-topic quiestions here which you should perhaps ask in your another - original thread... But hopefully you can finish what you need if you follow instructions already published here: RE: LibreELEC 9.2.6 Raspberry 4 and IrDA Dongle Do not disable anything, do not use -c parameter, just make the config files properly ( use some of example / default mapping files from the /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps folder as template, which is most similar to your remote control - the first line is important ), put them to override folders and use commands mentioned in the linked thread and that's all...

    Maybe a small tip - search the default mapping files for a protocol that you are looking for, for example:

    grep -rn '/usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/' -e 'rc6'

    It will list the files that might be interesting for you.

    Edited 4 times, last by ghtester (January 28, 2021 at 7:27 AM).

  • Your mecool file uses DOS line endings, that won't work, you have to save it with unix line endings. Also KEY_APP and KEY_DTV aren't valid keys.

    In your rc_maps.cfg you use a wrong driver name, you have to use "gpio_ir_recv", not "gpio-rc-recv" - see the output of ir-keytable.

    so long,


  • I believe this thread should be marked as Resolved as you are asking off-topic quiestions here which you should perhaps ask in your another - original thread... But hopefully you can finish what you need if you follow instructions already published here: RE: LibreELEC 9.2.6 Raspberry 4 and IrDA Dongle Do not disable anything, do not use -c parameter, just make the config files properly ( use some of example / default mapping files from the /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps folder as template, which is most similar to your remote control - the first line is important ), put them to override folders and use commands mentioned in the linked thread and that's all...

    Maybe a small tip - search the default mapping files for a protocol that you are looking for, for example:

    grep -rn '/usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/' -e 'rc6'

    It will list the files that might be interesting for you.

    Agree on marking resolved, I should have started another thread.

    One of the most frustrating things abut the whole process is that the guides that people constantly point to are incomplete, outdated, or written for programmers. It's been a very frustrating experience.

    Thank you VERY MUCH for your help, everything works now!

    Your mecool file uses DOS line endings, that won't work, you have to save it with unix line endings. Also KEY_APP and KEY_DTV aren't valid keys.

    In your rc_maps.cfg you use a wrong driver name, you have to use "gpio_ir_recv", not "gpio-rc-recv" - see the output of ir-keytable.

    so long,


    Thank you very much for taking the time to look through my file. I was struggling with the gpio-rc-recv vs gpio_ir_recv. I clearly saw the latter driver name while testing but the sample file was configured differently so I followed that, as I was being constantly told to follow that.

    I had no idea about the line endings and used Atom to convert them and BAM it worked. On a side note, I tried using the a few included files, notably minix-neo, and it had the same issue.

    Thank you very much for your help, I will create a guide from all the help I received on this forum.

    Edited once, last by Skripo: Merged a post created by Skripo into this post. (January 28, 2021 at 1:31 PM).