Audio on HDMI port 1 instead of port 0

  • Hi,

    currently audio just works on first HDMI port 0 (near to the power plug) and on second just video for dual screen.

    Is there a config.txt or commandline.txt modification so that HDMI port 1 gets sound instead of port 0?



  • There's no mention about device model nor LE version that you are using and it may differ.

    In general you need to change the Audio options in Kodi - Settings - System - Audio - Audio output device.

    You also need to have the HDMI1 active (the device connected turned ON) when Kodi starts.

    It works fine when configured properly (audio on HDMI1 while video on HDMI0) at least on RPi 4B running LE 9.80 Nightly builds ( Index of / ).

  • Thanks for the quick answer!

    Sorry for leaving out the important info about the concrete environment.

    I'm using LE 9.2.6 and if I connect the HDMI cable to second port Kodi doesn't play any audio. I also had a look already in the Kodi audio settings, but there is no change in the audio devices available.

    I'm running all this on RP 4B.

    In the forum there are some posts saying, that it has to be the HDMI connector near to the power suppy (RE: No Audio on Raspberry Pi 4B), and some others that it is not possible at all (Audio from hdmi1 port).

    But I had hoped it is possible by changing any boot parameters.

  • No problem. :)

    I can't now check what are the options on LE 9.2.6 as I am yet using LE 9.80 Nightly where it works as I mentioned above.

    But you should be able to change the Audio output device on LE 9.2.6 for sure somehow. At least on fresh LE 9.2.6 installation and at least you should be able to select between HDMI audio and Analog output (or both at the same time).

    Not sure about HDMI1 audio output on LE 9.2.6 - I have never tested there.

    Regarding to relevant config - among others, I have this option in RPI's bootloader configuration (vcgencmd bootloader_config) :


    And these options in /flash/config.txt (not sure if the HDMI options works or not, you may play with Video options in config.txt - Raspberry Pi Documentation :

    # Enable audio jack output


    #forcing the Pi to ignore port 0


    #forcing the Pi to use port 1





    hdmi_cvt:1=1920 1080 60 6 0 0 0



    Edited once, last by ghtester (January 13, 2021 at 5:18 PM).

  • Thanks!

    As far as I can see DISABLE_HDMI=0 just enables the diagonstics screen of the RPi, which is default (see Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader configuration - Raspberry Pi Documentation).

    So this won't help at all.

    dtparam=audio=on is already set.

    I added the other settings but still cannot get audio on the second HDMI port. The first port now has no image and no audio.

    The available options in Kodi are the same as with the original settings.

    It shows

    - ALSA: Default

    - ALSA: bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA

    - ALSA: bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI S/PDIF

    - PI:HDMI (which I selected under HDMI0)

    - PI:Analogue

    - PI:HDMI and Analogue

    - PULSE: Default, Bluetooth Audio (PULSEAUDIO)

    None of them enable audio on HDMI1.

    Edited 2 times, last by foobar26 (January 14, 2021 at 8:46 PM).

  • OK, as mentioned earlier, I have never tested that on LE 9.2.6 so you may need to move to LE 9.80 Nightly builds where it works for sure (at least with my config options above) if the Analogue output is not enough for you.

    Again, make sure to have the HDMI1 active ( a HDMI audio device connected and turned ON) when Kodi starts.

    So connect a display turned ON to HDMI0 port , connect a HDMI audio device turned ON to HDMI1 port and restart RPi running LE 9.80 Nightly.

    Then you can switch the Audio ouput to HDMI1 (the Audio options are a bit different from LE 9.2.6).

  • OK, if I have the time I will try out 9.80.

    The thing is that some plugins I need won't run under this version I suppose, so this is not really an option.

    But thanks a lot for sharing your ideas!