Is any addon, what support fdisk, and other disk management order on s905 via ssh?
fdisk on ssh?
envagyok -
November 5, 2016 at 6:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Parted should be available via SSH.
I need reformat and are disk for my nas, and I have how-to, where fdisk and other orders:Source: WDMyCloud – Google Drive
Mirror: WDMyCloud=======================================================================================
Howto replace or restore original firmware:
* You can use any of *nix system. I use Debian (Ubuntu similar).
* All command runing from root user. Or use Sudo.
* First thing after boot in liveCD - install software: apt-get update && apt-get install mdadm parted!! For install new HDD - go from p.1. If you repare exist HDD - go to p.8-2
1. Use fdisk -l (or parted -l) for see what name have you WD's HDD.
* For me - its /dev/sdb. Replace it to your hdd name!
2. Run parted utility:
parted /dev/sdb3. Type "print" for see what partitions exist on disk
4. Remove all: Type "remove 1" (where 1 - number of partition)
5. Crete new table:
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 528M 2576M
mkpart primary 2576M 4624M
mkpart primary 16M 528M
mkpart primary 4828M 100%
mkpart primary 4624M 4724M
mkpart primary 4724M 4824M
mkpart primary 4824M 4826M
mkpart primary 4826M 4828M
set 1 raid on
set 2 raid on6. Ok, type "quit"
7. Format data partition:
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb4
mkswap /dev/sda38. Stop automatically loaded md raid (If need) and create new, normal (You can get errors "Not found". Its normal):
mdadm --stop /dev/md*
mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --metadata=0.9 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2
# Type "watch cat /proc/mdstat" and wait 100%. Then - [ctrl] + [c] for close.9. Use data partition as download folder:
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb4 /mnt
cd /mnt10. Download one of arhive's to /mnt folder:
v3.04.01-230: 0B_6OlQ_H0PxVQ2l5MTNvQk1xSUU
v4.01.02-417: 0B_6OlQ_H0PxVcENERjVxVHFzZzg11. Extract by console:
tar xvfz original_v3.04.01-230.tar.gz12. Ok. Upload backup images to WD's hdd:
dd if=kernel.img of=/dev/sdb5
dd if=kernel.img of=/dev/sdb6
dd if=config.img of=/dev/sdb7
dd if=config.img of=/dev/sdb8
dd if=rootfs.img of=/dev/md013. Tell device to Fresh install (Fix for "0 MB usage" in webgui)
mkdir /mnt/hdd
mount /dev/md0 /mnt/hdd
touch /mnt/hdd/etc/.fresh_install
umount /mnt/hdd14. Shutdown PC. (Or use "Logout" in menu)
shutdown -p -H 015. Connect HDD to WD's plate and turn on WDMyCloud. Wait ~5-10 minCan I make it with s905?
- Official Post
You can use "parted" but if you are trying to replicate the list of commands above you will have a problem with RAID as we [deliberately] do not have any support for software RAID in the OS so mdadm commands will fail. Use an Ubuntu LiveUSB instead of LE for tasks like this. You would be better off posting in a WD/NAS forum as fixing these things is outside our area of expertise.
You can use "parted" but if you are trying to replicate the list of commands above you will have a problem with RAID as we [deliberately] do not have any support for software RAID in the OS so mdadm commands will fail. Use an Ubuntu LiveUSB instead of LE for tasks like this. You would be better off posting in a WD/NAS forum as fixing these things is outside our area of expertise.Thanks
Then I make Ubuntu live on pc.
Just ask why isn't work fdisk, and I expected this is comfortable with s905.
For minimx I heard from Ubuntu release
MiniMX S905 - Ubuntu 16.04 64bits (with kodi and X) on sdcard -
With this work? -
- Official Post
LE is a minimalist distro so we have no use for fdisk when parted covers the same capabilities and more.