Installed Libreelec 9.2.6 with PI Imager, no flash folder and no config.txt when ssh in. Don't tell me that the only way to edit the file is to use the Libreelec downloader? Please don't tell me that.
Installed Libreelec 9.2.6 with PI Imager, no flash folder and no config.txt when ssh in
harry_fine -
December 23, 2020 at 7:37 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Create the image. Boot the image. Enable SSH, and /flash will exist (it won't be writeable unlesss you remount as read-write). Or create the image and connect to any OS and the files are in the boot partttion where you can edit them. I'm not sure what you did, but it sounds like over-thinking things.
I re-installed. Just so you know, /flash directory does not exist on the RP3 Kodi version you get from the PI website. Clearly you didn't read my question. I did SSH in, and I'm not a linux NOOB.
I'm not sure if this will help
Reference Chewitt's suggestions to you and your comment implying you’re intending to use LibreELEC with rpi3
- Following wiki page explains how to make /flash available remotely via ssh in order to edit config.txt Have you tried this method? Config.txt -
- Alternatively stick LibreELEC prepared sd into any pc and boot partition should be visible for you to select and edit confi.txt directly
Note: Installing LibreELEC to SD via Raspberry Pi Imager or LibreELEC USB-SD Creator should not make any difference?
(Personally never used Raspberry Pi Imager to install LibreELEC onto SD)