Raspberry Pi 400 Wifi and bluetooth

  • Hi,

    I have a problem with Raspberry Pi 400 and LibreELEC.

    I have no Wifi Interface and Bluetooth doesn't work too.

    First, for wifi I can't connect.

    Just nothing. ;(

    For Bluetooth, it is the same:

    nothing ;(

    I think it's not a problem with raspberry pi. Because when I install official raspbian OS desktop, no problem. I have wifi connection and bluetooth.

    So how activate wifi and bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 400 with LibreELEC?

  • I'm having a similar issue. I've been hammering away at it for a while. My LibreELEC card works normally on a Pi 4, but on a 400, I can't even boot properly (circumvented by booting without a card and inserting it part way through). My present conclusion is that the 4 and 400 aren't 1:1 and the Pi 400 isn't properly supported at this time.

    Edit: I found this post. It explains exactly why the 400 doesn't work.

    Edited once, last by Shadow8472 (December 21, 2020 at 1:49 AM).

  • Thank for your answer. I will want to do a gift for chrismas ;(

    I think like you the RPI 400 seems different than rpi 4. I read the rpi 400 will be supported in LE 10 :-/ . I don't know when this version will be released.