how to access /storage/.kodi/userdata/ on windows 10?

  • When I plugin the micro sd card to win 10, it does not see all the files.

    How to make them visible?

    (for keymapping)

    I used to edit bookmarks via the network, but win 10 does not see network > libreelec any more. Even when I type the ip address from kodi > systeminfo.

    Has something changed, or am I overlooking something?

  • The storage partition is in the native Linux EXT4 disk format. So normally, Windows will not have a clue what to do with it.

    You can access the userdata folder via a SMB connection to your Raspberry Pi, as LibreELEC has a Samba server onboard.

    LibreELEC and Kodi however user SMBv2 by default because of the huge security holes in the old SMBv1 version.

    Windows 10 with all the updates will use SMBv2 or higher as well.

    With SMBv2 however, network browsing has been disabled and your Win10 machine user must have a password with its credentials.

  • Thanks.

    I did not manage to do that.

    I just booted with a linux cd, it can see the 2 partitions. But in storage/ there is no .kodi/userdata (which is the folder I need to find)?

    In linux the folders and files whose name begins with '.' are treated as hidden items. Enable in your file explorer or on Kodi (System-Media) for 'Show hidden files and directories'.