Wetek play 2 build

  • The Wetek-Play boots with the box image, but the image on the monitor has greenish diagonal stripes. Nothing is recognizable. Same thing on another monitor.

    Edit: found it with reading the whole thread once more: name-variable ...

    Now the Box starts. If I see it right, there is no driver for DVB-device within the box-image?

    Edited once, last by Spielmops (March 7, 2023 at 8:58 PM).

  • It's the first time I read a report of "greenish diagonal stripes" so hard to comment. It sounds like the TV falsely advertising colour modes that don't really exist or bad HDMI cables. In the past some colour issues have been resolved by installing to emmc which uses upstream u-boot not the Amlogic vendor one. That issue wasn't on WP2, but could conceivably be similar. No real idea though /shrug

    There are no drivers for the internal DVB tuners. It's quite simple to compile the tuner/demod drivers, but that's only 2/3 of the puzzle. There is no V4L2 demux to link everything together, and that's something non-trivial to create.

  • Why does this download-file exist? And why does a SD-card with that file (for SD-card) not boot?

    Running LE11 from the internal emmc requires upstream u-boot; which that image contains. It cannot boot the box from SD card because vendor u-boot doesn't support the extlinux boot files needed for upstream u-boot. so you boot the box image (so emmc is not in-use) and then download and install the board image (that image) to emmc. Others have grasped that and succesfully installed. You haven't, but that's not really something I can solve. Your weird screen issue is not reported anywhere before so it's probably rare or something odd and unique about your environment. And the AMLGX image is not perfect, nor advertised as being perfect. But it works good-enough for me and my very typical media collection, and likely others have a similar experience (active install numbers are increasing). So sorry it's not for you, but we can't please everyone. I suggest you stick with 9.0.2 or bin the device or run Android or whatever you prefer.

  • Diagonal stripes: as written in an earlierpost I found the reason. I did not set the name for the device. After i changed to the right name, the box-image bootet.

    One last question: why isn't anywhere near the images a hint, that the Wetek-receivers won't work?

  • I added that ^ to the release announcement for LE 11.x final (and all beta releases). In the same text I also tell people to read the instructions in the wiki as boot processes have changed from older releases (things like needing to set dtb names). I also state that these images might not meet everyone's requirements, and it seems you are one of those users, so please continue to use LE 9.x .. or Android .. or anything else.

  • Quote

    the release announcement for LE 11.x final (and all beta releases)

    Sorry, I must be blind! Where are they?

    From the Wiki:


    WeTek Hub/Play2

    Installing LibreELEC to internal eMMC storage

    I did not want to install to EMMC-storage, so this article was not for me.

  • For the last decade we have been posting release announcements to our public website. Anyway, this conversation is a lost cause. Good luck and please post any further comments to some other forum.

  • i use my wetekplay2 after so many years and find this new update of libreelec.

    i forgotton everything how to install this in sd card.

    i think dtb.img was needed for wetekplay2 to boot up from sd card.

    where i can find dtb.img file?or should i only put this in sd card and it will boot?

    plz explain anybody

  • this wiki show how to use le in internel storage.

    mean we will loose android side..am i right/?

    i only want to use this build with sdcard.

    i should do

    1=download iamge for wp2 from https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/

    2= burn it on sdcard

    3= insert card in box and restart

    thats all or i have to change dtb.img file name process?

    plz clear my doubts

  • No. Use the "box" image. Read: https://wiki.libreelec.tv/hardware/amlogic

  • that artical is too complicated to understand like me.

    as u r a developer and my questions are too silly for u but help me in simple words.

    what is ''box image''?and give me link plz or any youtube tutorial for installing

    Edited once, last by taree (March 15, 2023 at 5:53 AM).

  • but everytime i boot from weos..whats i m doing wrong?

    I'd guess that you haven't set the DTB name in uEnv.ini .. but since you provide zero technical evidence or detail of what you did to create the SD card (and from what image) I can only guess blindly at the issue. Stats show a steadily increasing number of active installs so other users are able to follow the instructions and install, so the image(s) are good.