Cuboxi4pro and LibreELEC some information found at first hand.

  • Hi i am new here and new to LibreELEC as user.


    how can i update my Cuboxi kernel to SMBv2 level? and as late as posible KODI version?

    i was suggested to post here the "bugs" to help the developers.

    last test is:

    version with kodi17.6:

    - reboot does quite well no deley or misbehaviour and it is quite fast up and running.

    Ahard power off and on (powerconnector) does let it stagnate half way for minutes (i stopped it after a wile. )

    you get this for as long as you will wait.

    solution is wait a few minutes before connect power to the Cuboxi . ( i don't expect change just a example it's a inbetween step for me.)

    The nightly build.

    first time i tried reboot it got stuck and i needed to hard reboot for gone true. Can't repeat this behaviour saddly)

    second time reboot by menu does work but the powerdown is very slow: 30seconds, (i got the jam and text after that the first time) (sorry for the bad focus hope you can stil discover what it is.)

    Edit: loaded the next nightly build the one : LibreELEC-iMX6.arm-9.80-nightly-20200805-63dfb3b-cubox-q, same visual, and same error when poweringdown action selected: better image

    see video as reboot

    Notice the first striping screen for a second.

    i haven't installed full yet. i tried to copy paste the TAR which is made by backup facility in Libre. (out backup folder of kodiv17.6 in backup folder of latest build which doesn't work.

    selecting the file and restore does have a small second action and it is canceld i think.

    So how can i transfer the user information properly?

    (i used the floppydisk icon of kodibackup addon normally but you have your own so i thought you can backup to a external folder and retrieve this when a new clean instal is done.)

    if any other info is needed or so please ask because i am already happy my cubox is running the new kodi versions. :)

    Edited once, last by classicCuboxiuser: newer nightly build loaded to see if i could get the same error. (August 7, 2020 at 2:18 PM).

  • update:

    i run v17.6 build because i can't check every week if the nightly build has no video encoder issues and audio spdif error anymore.

    (not lazynes but i need to clone , format sd write test and visaversa)

    one sd card.

    So i still hope i can read somewhere what's changed in the new nightlybuilds and if someone want's to test something glad to help just ask and tel me what to do because i am not a programmer.

    I am still hoping the v19 build can replace my older v17.6 on my cuboxi. :)