LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.008 ALPHA - Wetek play

  • scrolling moves, tv show or music with remote control and moving back to main menu with back button, always appear favorite menu.
    Settings is default and estuary skin.

    And i hope restore watched/ unwatched in folder submenu.

    And Remote control auto repeat bug is again, i hope same fix than 7.0

    Maybe confluence bug

    Edited once, last by Miks (October 31, 2016 at 7:08 PM).

  • yes therefore this is overlined, others was with default skin. Only with confluence happen continous scrolling down.

    Custom keymapping not solution, because libreelec is special version for wetek play. Maybe someone can convert from version 7.0

    Edited once, last by Miks (November 1, 2016 at 12:15 PM).

  • I noticed, kodi 17 not have back button bug. Pressing keyboard backspace button not open favorites menu.
    If i connect keyboard in wetek play, same favorites menu open with keyboard backspace.

    I installed x86 version and it is ok, maybe i try check keyboard map changes

    Edited once, last by Miks (November 7, 2016 at 6:16 PM).

  • ok. i edit favorities to home, not sure need anyhing, but maybe it protect something.
    <backspace mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</backspace>
    <browser_back mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</browser_back>
    <escape mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</escape>

    Edited once, last by Miks (November 7, 2016 at 8:58 PM).