I am using a 5“ TFT Touchscreen (QDtech MPI5001 from Elecrow). It is plugged in via HDMI and also USB for power and touchscreen data.
It works very well and I am quite happy. Almost - since I want to rotate the screen by 180°. This works when adding "display_rotate=2" to config.txt.
The problem is that the touchscreen is not rotated, so I can not use the touch functionality correctly.
There are some scripts at GitHub - goodtft/LCD-show: 2.4" 2.8"3.2" 3.5" 5.0" 7.0" TFT LCD driver for the Raspberry PI 3B+/A/A+/B/B+/PI2/ PI3/ZERO/ZERO W but they do not work with LibreElec.
I did „libinput list-devices“ and this is the output:
Device: QDtech MPI5001
Kernel: /dev/input/event0
Group: 1
Seat: seat0, default
Capabilities: touch
Tap-to-click: n/a
Tap-and-drag: n/a
Tap drag lock: n/a
Left-handed: n/a
Nat.scrolling: n/a
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration: identity matrix
Scroll methods: none
Click methods: none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles: n/a
Rotation: n/a
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How can I edit this device? Is this even possible?
Thanks in advance for your help!