I would like to add a persistent route to Libreelc but I cannot find the config file to modify.
Thank you
I would like to add a persistent route to Libreelc but I cannot find the config file to modify.
Thank you
I'd create a system.d service in /storage/.config/system.d to run the "route add" commands as systemd allows you to add dependencies to accurately sequence when things will occur, e.g. after network-online.target but before kodi.service (assuming the routes are needed for Kodi things).
I'd create a system.d service in /storage/.config/system.d to run the "route add" commands as systemd allows you to add dependencies to accurately sequence when things will occur, e.g. after network-online.target but before kodi.service (assuming the routes are needed for Kodi things).
It works.
I'd create a system.d service in /storage/.config/system.d to run the "route add" commands as systemd allows you to add dependencies to accurately sequence when things will occur, e.g. after network-online.target but before kodi.service (assuming the routes are needed for Kodi things).
Can you give me the correct ExecStart command in system.d, please ?
I'm attempting to add a persistent route using the method described and it's not working for me.
Running LibreElec 11.0.1 on an Pi 4, I've created a file in /storage/.config/system.d called add-route.service with the following;
Description=Add network routes
ExecStart=sh -c 'ip route add via'
when I reboot the box the route is not added.
Am I missing a step?
Thanks chewitt
Good catch on the full path.
I've made the change but the route still isn't being added at boot.
As a test, I've run systemctl start add-routes.service and that successfully adds the route. Is it possible that system.d isn't calling services from the directory at boot?
Have you enabled the service, i.e. "systemctl enable /storage/.config/system.d/add-route.service" ?
Thanks again chewitt
issuing the command produced an error. The OS wanted an [Install] section added to the file. I added the section with a WantedBy directive and arbitrary picked kodi.target for the value.
Once it was added it I ran the 'systemctl enable /storage/.config/system.d/add-route.service' command again which worked and upon reboot the route is added.
Thanks for the help!
My file add-route.service looks like this:
I'd probably use "WantedBy=multi-user.target" instead of kodi.target, but if it works, it works