800x640 on Odroid C2 with VU5

  • Hi To all

    I would like to run LibreElec hosted on Odroid C2 with the VU5. It’s working with 800x640 only.

    I done some test with boot.ini like theses settings: dvi mode, 800x640, etc.

    But the screen stay white.

    Plug to a TV, the kodi works with a compliance screen definition.

    Can i do that for working only with VU5 ?

    I just say i need to get hmdi audio connect to a hdmi splitter.

    • Official Post

    I'm not sure LE has ever supported those accessories, and these days everything involving the legacy 3.14 kernel is a bit of a fading memory and lost cause (it's been consigned to history and forgottten about) so I'm not sure you'll get much help. The Odroid forums would be a better place to trawl old posts for possible info.