Problem with Settings -> Media -> Videos -> Default select action

  • I just installed LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.2.img with LibreELEC (official): 9.2.2 with 18.6 Git:18.6-Leia on a NUC6CAYH to the HD of the mini PC. Skin is Estuary

    In Settings -> Media -> Videos -> Default select action I set the Default select action to "Choose". In my guisettings.xml I find <setting id="myvideos.selectaction">0</setting>

    The Problem is that when I go to videos and click a movie with my CE remote controll I correctly get the pop-up window asking me "Play", "Show information", "More..." But when I click "Show Information" I do not get the Movieinformation Window. Instead Kodi immediately plays the movie.

    When I choose "More.." in the pop-up window i get a new pop-up with first entry "Play" and interestingly second entry not called "Show Information" but shortly "Information" . When I click "Information" Kodi correctly shows the Movieinformation Window.

    Same incorrect behaviour when Default select action is set to "Show information" in Settings -> Media -> Videos. Instead of showing the Movieinformation Kodi plays the movie.

    I tried to use another Skin AeonMQ8 but that did not help.

    I do not know if the debuglog will help but here it is:

    I guess there are only a few people using generic install but I love my NUC because its so much stronger than Raspi(which I use as a travelling HomeTheater) and CinemaVision is verry cool so any help will be welcome.

    Thanx in advance Leinad.