Dual audio output

  • I have a bluetooth speaker that works well with LE through a USB bluetooth adapter.

    My box is connected to TV through HDMI (Rockchip android box booting LE).

    I saw some posts that some users were able to combine 02 audio outputs (most of them were HDMI + Analog).

    I could find a user who was able to do that with Bluetooth + HDMI, but didn't teach how to.

    Digging some websites, I could see which devices were selected at a time:

    I tried the following:

    pactl load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=combined slaves=bluez_sink.88_C6_26_04_B0_2C.a2dp_sink,auto_null sink_properties="device.description='Combined HDMI+ BT' device.icon_name='audio-card-symbolic'"

    But the output:

    Failure: Module initialization failed

    Can some one help with the steps? I'm kinda learning linux/LE.

    Btw, my /etc/pulse/default.pa is unwritable according to nano.
