Can't see advancedsettings reflected

  • Hello all, I'm not new at kodi but totally newbie at LibreELEC + RaspBerry 4 2GB.

    In having some problems with Simple IPTV where the channels some times are getting stuck by buffer. To mitigate that I raised the Buffer in Advance Settings. But I not sure if was applied.

    I'm getting the same status that I have before config the Buffer.


    I set:

    memorysize with 200 Mb, and the max that goes is 5 Mb, same as before changes.

    readfactor with 5, and download don't go trow 2mb, same as before changes.

    Looking to the Stream info (Shift + Ctrl + O) -- The same was observed before changes.

    Looking to the LOG I can see that the advancedSettings.xml was loaded, but for some reason I don't believe in that:


    Can some one, that knows about, take a look at the log to see if advancedSettings was loaded?

    Tnks in advance . ;)

  • Tnks Da Flex, I did the change to LOG 2 but still could not find where to look if advancedSettings was applied. I searched for the variables memorysize and readfactor but did not find any registration (just that one showing at the beginning showing the advancedSettings.xlm)

    What I observed is that the Forward buffer is coming up to 10 mb, but still not even close to the 200mb configured.

    Another change I did is readfactor = 20, but the download rate did not changed at all. Just an observation, I have a internet Link of 80 mbits.

    So I still believe that the advancedSettings was not loaded...

  • The kodi.log you've been posted says at line 54 and 55:

    2020-03-30 20:27:39.641 T:3011744352  NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
    2020-03-30 20:27:39.641 T:3011744352  NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"

    This will change when you use advancedsettings.xml to increase the log level.

    Line 41 to 50 of your kodi.log quotes your current advancedsettings.xml, so I think it has been loaded fine. If it has no effect on some of your settings, then LE ignores them for whatever reasons.

    If you could post another kodi.log at log level 2, then we maybe find answers.

  • The only config.txt that I found:

    LibreELEC:/usr/share/bootloader # cat config.txt

    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 

    # Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Stephan Raue ([email protected]

    # Copyright (C) 2016-present Team LibreELEC (LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI


    # Bootloader configuration - config.txt 



    # Memory (System/GPU configuration ) 


    # Default GPU memory split - at least 288M is needed for some 4k HEVC files 



    # For overclocking and various other settings, see: 

    # config.txt - Raspberry Pi Documentation


    # Set 'force_turbo=1' to disable dynamic overclocking and enable overclocking always. 


    # Force HDMI even if unplugged or powered off 

    # hdmi_force_hotplug=1 

    # Doesn't sent initial active source message. 

    # Avoids bringing CEC (enabled TV) out of standby and channel switch when 

    # rebooting. 



    # End of default configuration 



    # Include distribution specific config file if it exists. 



    include distroconfig.txt 

    LibreELEC:/usr/share/bootloader # cat distroconfig.txt

    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later# Copyright (C) 2019-present Team LibreELEC (LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI)




    Don't believe that this config.txt is overruling the advancedSettings.xml, maybe I looking in the wrong config file??

  • Is the same file that I posted, but in other folder.

    I'm cogitating to format and start again to see if resolves.. Its woeful the load and the screen freezing when in other applications works perfect.

    Any advice on this?