Have to re-connect to bluetooth speakers after each reboot

  • Bluetooth speakers work; however, each time I reboot, I have to go to Add-ons -> LibElec Configuration -> Bluetooth -> <select my speakers> -> Connect.

    Is there a way to have this setting persist? I'd like it to always connect to these speakers.

  • The MAC address stays the same...

    Kodi:~ # bluetoothctl show | grep Controller
    Controller DC:A6:32:29:FA:CD (public)
    <reboot through UI>
    Kodi:~ # bluetoothctl show | grep Controller
    Controller DC:A6:32:29:FA:CD (public)

    edit to add: here is the full output of bluetoothctl show:

    edited to add: hardware is a rasberry pi 4

    Edited once, last by david_a (March 30, 2020 at 8:23 PM).

  • If the MAC is stable, it's likely an issue with the speakers. I forget the explanation for what's going on, but it's more frequently observed with Headphones; at least in numbers of reports we've seen here. Google against headphones and you'll find the explanation.