You can help COVID-19 researchers with your LibreELEC box

  • Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the LinuxServer team recently published two docker images to help scientists with COVID-19 research.

    The images are for Folding@home and BOINC, both of which distribute compute jobs to the machines of users from all over the world in order to crowd-source scientif1c research related computations. They are both currently prioritizing COVID-19 related research such as "predicting the atomic-scale structure of an important coronavirus prote1n (spike)" and "understanding how it binds to the ACE2 receptor required for viral entry into cells".

    We also just published docker addons so you can easily install them on your LibreELEC devices to help out.

    That's right, you can help out COVID-19 researchers by donating your unused cpu cycles.

    Here's a blog article we published about the images: COVID-19: How it's affected us, and how you can help

    Here's some LibreELEC specific info on the images:

    Both addons are avaliable through the repo. Go to addons, install from repository, Libreelec addons, Addon repository and install the repo.

    Then go to addons, install from repository, addons, services and you can find Boinc and Folding@home.

    When you install either addon, it will first download and unpack the docker images, which can take some time. Be patient. You can watch the logs via the following commands

    journalctl -u docker.linuxserver.boinc -f
    journalctl -u docker.linuxserver.foldingathome -f

    Boinc: GitHub - linuxserver/docker-boinc

    Fairly heavy image, because the app has no webserver, instead we run guacamole to display the gui app in a browser. Once installed, you can access it at http://libreelecIP:8088

    Switch to Advanced view in the menu, because some settings windows aren't displayed properly in the simple view.

    Add the Rosetta@Home project for COVID-19 research.

    Works on x86_64, arm and aarch64. But not all projects support arm and aarch64

    Folding@home: GitHub - linuxserver/docker-foldingathome

    Lighter image, as it has its own webserver. Once up, you can visit its relatively simplistic webgui at http://libreelecIP:7396

    For more fine grained control, you can access it remotely from another machine that has FAHControl installed. The default port for that is 36330 and there is no password auth.

    Unfortunately, F@H is x86_64 only

    Now, get folding!! ;)

  • Incognito worked, but rpi4 not supported it seems.

    Mar 24 16:53:52 LibreELEC sh[22143]: 24-Mar-2020 16:53:52 [Rosetta@home] This project doesn't support computers of type arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

    That's too bad. May not be covid-19, but there are plenty of other projects that work with arm on there

  • Boinc software does work . World Community Grid and Rosetta projects doesn't seem to acept this CPU (even if they announce they work on ARM Android devices), and LHC seems to not send Working Units. Yoyo@home works fine.

    Can't connect to Folding at home software at port 7396, not sure if it works on Pi.

    Update: Performance on the Pi 4 (4gb) is higher than I thought... 1.814 x4 floating point MIPS vs 4.326 x12 on a Ryzen 2600X (with lots of background apps, maybe 4.500 on a clean system...). A pity I can't contribute research at Rosetta and World Community Grid with a Pi that is on 24/7...

  • Boinc's announcement about arm was a bit misleading. It got me excited at first as well. Turns out, they are now supporting arm64, not 32. Even though rpi4 has a 64bit chip, LE runs 32bit software on it (so does raspbian) and that's why it's a no go.

    F@h is x86_64 only. Upstream doesn't support arm.

  • Still Yoyo@home works fine under BOINC in my Raspberry Pi 4 with Libreelec 9.2 following your indications :/. Let's hope the way towards kernel 5 is not very long...

    Boinc's announcement about arm was a bit misleading. It got me excited at first as well. Turns out, they are now supporting arm64, not 32. Even though rpi4 has a 64bit chip, LE runs 32bit software on it (so does raspbian) and that's why it's a no go.

    Edited once, last by Jordi1024 (April 16, 2020 at 4:30 PM).

  • I should clarify, it was Rosetta@home's announcement that they would start handing out jobs for arm, but only for 64bit. Other projects on Boinc suppport 32bit arm.

  • I tried to get this to work on my raspberry pi 4 I left out the lines about Gauc. I'm behind a firewall I thought it would simpler.

    I don't have any experience with docker. There doesn't seem to be any webserver running on 8080.

    LibreELEC:~ # netstat -l | grep 8080
    LibreELEC:~ # netstat -l | grep http-alt
    LibreELEC:~ # 

    I have Rosetta at home running on my x86_64 computers and I had it on the raspberry pi 4 running Ubuntu, I thought I would try Libreelec on the Raspberry pi4. I've been running OSMC on a Pi 3+.

    Before I go to a lot of trouble to try to get this to work, has anyone got Rosetta at home to send work to there Pi 4 using this docker?

  • I tried to get this to work on my raspberry pi 4 I left out the lines about Gauc. I'm behind a firewall I thought it would simpler.

    I don't have any experience with docker. There doesn't seem to be any webserver running on 8080.

    LibreELEC:~ # netstat -l | grep 8080
    LibreELEC:~ # netstat -l | grep http-alt
    LibreELEC:~ # 

    I have Rosetta at home running on my x86_64 computers and I had it on the raspberry pi 4 running Ubuntu, I thought I would try Libreelec on the Raspberry pi4. I've been running OSMC on a Pi 3+.

    Before I go to a lot of trouble to try to get this to work, has anyone got Rosetta at home to send work to there Pi 4 using this docker?

    Did you install it via the addon?