Unable to write to attached USB connected HDD

  • I am running LibreElec 9.2.0 on a Raspberry PI3. I have attached a powered external hard drive (western digitial mybook 3TB) formatted as NTFS. Whilst I can read/play the files contained on the attached hard drive, I am unable to write or add files to the hard drive. I have some home videos on both my mac and windows pcs but cannot copy paste them to the attached hdd. I receive the following messages "HFS+ Private Directory Data" (The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect) followed by "The Media is write protected".

    The HDD was previously attached to an Apple Air Port Extreme Base Station before being moved to the Raspberry PI

    If I attach the external hdd directly to either my mac or windows pc, I can write and copy paste my files without issue.

    Any help or advice would be kindly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by panamahat: Additional info re AEBS (January 23, 2020 at 3:53 PM).