Tapatalk & this forum...

  • I've searched, and best I can tell this forum doesn't currently support it.

    So I was wondering if it's possible that the powers-that-be could add it since I suspect it's only about a 30-minute job. I got it on a few of my sites and depending on what issues you may or may not run into, it generally takes only 20 to 30 minutes to do.

    Thank you...

    Ps; Hope this is the right sub-forum for this.

  • Tapatalk is either paid-for and not cheap, or free but exposes advertising to all tapatalk users. We prefer the mobile GUI that comes with the forum which is free (no cost, no advertising). To be clear, our primary objection is about advertising and privacy not cost.

  • Tapatalk cost the end-user a dollar a month to avoid ads...

    Other than obviously being less than a dollar, if a dollar a month isn't cheap. I don't know what is.

    But in the end it gives users a choice. Oddly enough some ppl dont mind ads, I generally dont but figured for a buck a month, why the hell not.

    So it's literally $12 a year plus what, 6 cents on the dollar depending on your state.

    All I'm asking, is it somebody at least looks at it that has the authority to add it.

    Woltlab - Download and Install | Tapatalk

    Latest version stable release 12-2-2019 version 1.4.1 for board ver 4x

    12-4-18 version 1.4.9 for board ver 5x

    And it's an official, free download, so again... Only charge for the end-user if they want to avoid ads is $1.06, a month at least for me in the state of Pa.


    Edited 4 times, last by MoreBloodWine (January 18, 2020 at 11:27 AM).