Bug in tanix tx6 nightly builds

  • h6 arm


    Absolutely nothing will install on it! Did a libreelec restore and all that got was wizard errors after installing, yes im lazy and just use wizards the delete stuff!

    And also all of the normal kodi addons are missing, screensaver, Yahoo weather, the default kodi repositories etc it's pretty much a useless copy that nothing can be done with!

    Event Log is empty for some reason, hit the submit log files under libreelec configuration

    Cannot get it to show me the errors even under debugging

    Also as I posted in another area this version can toast a sd card! I'm used to the old mxq dual boot and droidbox dual boot, so I didn't realize that this had Linux unmount filesystem command and shutdown command so when it froze up I just reset it and trashed a 8mb sd card!

    At least for windows drive recovery software partition editing software everything is useless on that card!